Many interesting and perplexing questions arise in connection with the highly potassic volcanic associa- tion dominated by mafic and ultramafic rocks contain- ing leucite. Its occurrence is very restricted as compar- ed with the olivine-basalt trachyte kindred, but it is distributed at widely scattered points on all the conti- nents, and its chemical and petrographic individuality is both remarkable and constant. A considerable litera- ture is available related to the mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, phase chemistry, distribution, and origin of this interesting suite of rocks. It seemed...
Many interesting and perplexing questions arise in connection with the highly potassic volcanic associa- tion dominated by mafic and ultramafic rocks ...
In these days of information explosion and high-cost publishing, it is perhaps only reasonable for an author to convince the reading public that it is getting something worth reading. After all, intense research into the upper mantle over the past two decades has already resulted in a number of volumes on kim berlites and their xenoliths. So why yet another one? First, in this book I have concentrated on kimberlite as an individual rock-type and a sampler of the upper mantle, in the hope of complementing such monographs as Deep seated inclusions in kimberlites and the problem of the...
In these days of information explosion and high-cost publishing, it is perhaps only reasonable for an author to convince the reading public that it is...
Students of a phenomenon as common but complex as andesite genesis often are overwhelmed by, or overlook, the volume and diversity of relevant information. Thus there is need for periodic overview even in the absence of a dramatic breakthrough which "solves the andesite problem" and even though new ideas and data keep the issues in a state of flux. Thus I have summarized the subject through mid.1980 from my perspective to help clarify the long-standing problem and to identify profitable areas for future research. Overviews are more easily justified than achieved and there are fundamental...
Students of a phenomenon as common but complex as andesite genesis often are overwhelmed by, or overlook, the volume and diversity of relevant informa...
The origin of anorthosites is a major unsolved petrogenetic problem in igneous petrology. For most of the numerous types of anorthosite that occur on Earth (and on other planets as well), we cannot agree as to their parental magma composi- tions, the sources and methods of generation of these mag- mas, the mechanism of plagioclase accumulation, or their tectonic setting. This book represents the only comprehensi- ve review of what is known and unknown about all anorthosite types, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial. Descriptive, interpretative, and speculative information is given for all...
The origin of anorthosites is a major unsolved petrogenetic problem in igneous petrology. For most of the numerous types of anorthosite that occur on ...
There are several books emphasizing the mineralogical and petrological aspects of granites, but this book is the only one emphasizing the experimental aspects.
There are several books emphasizing the mineralogical and petrological aspects of granites, but this book is the only one emphasizing the experimental...
Zeolites form a family of minerals which have been known since the 18th century, but they remained a curiosity for scientists and collectors until 60 years ago, when their unique physicochemical properties attracted the attention of many researchers. In the past 30 years there has been an ex- traordinary development in zeolite science; six International Conferences on Zeolites have been held every 3 years since 1967, and a large number of interesting contributions have been published in their proceedings. Many books, written either by individual authors or by several authors under a leading...
Zeolites form a family of minerals which have been known since the 18th century, but they remained a curiosity for scientists and collectors until 60 ...
This series of monographs represents continuation on an inter nationai basis of the previous series MINERALOGIE UND PETRO GRAPHIE IN EINZELDARSTELLUNGEN, published by Sprin ger-Verlag. The voluminous results arising from recent progress in pure and applied research increase the need for authoritative reviews but the standard scientific journals are unable to provide the space for them. By their very nature, text-books are unable to consider specific topics in depth and recent research methods and results often receive only cursory treatment. Advanced reference volumes are usually too detailed...
This series of monographs represents continuation on an inter nationai basis of the previous series MINERALOGIE UND PETRO GRAPHIE IN EINZELDARSTELLUNG...
This book represents the results of a lengthy study which Professor ALFRED RITTMANN began some thirty years ago. The relationship between the chemical and mineralogical composition of igneous rocks is established as far as is possible. Petrographers will appreciate that this problem is extremely complex, particularly since this relationship forms the basis of the classification and nomenclature of igneous rocks. The ingenious scheme of calculation of the CI.P.W. norm system is essentially chemical in nature. The compositions of the stoichiometrically ideal "normative minerals" do not...
This book represents the results of a lengthy study which Professor ALFRED RITTMANN began some thirty years ago. The relationship between the chemical...
In this book metal deposits, in particular those of non-ferrous and precious metals, are classified and analyzed in terms of their plate tectonic settings. This approach allows a meaningful treatment of metal deposits of different types and provides significant insights into both their genesis and formative environments. The updated 2nd edition incorporates the most significant advances in economic geology of the last 5 years. Particular attention is paid to the geological settings and generative models of gold deposits of all kinds.
In this book metal deposits, in particular those of non-ferrous and precious metals, are classified and analyzed in terms of their plate tectonic sett...
This series of monographs represents continuation on an inter national basis of the previous series MINERALOGIE UND PETRO GRAPHIE IN EINZELDARSTELLUNGEN, published by Springer Verlag. The voluminous results arising from recent progress in pure and applied research increase the need for authoritative reviews but the standard scientific journals are unable to provide the space for them. By their very nature, text-books are unable to consider specific topics in depth and recent research methods and results often receive only cursory treatment. Advanced reference volumes are usually too detailed...
This series of monographs represents continuation on an inter national basis of the previous series MINERALOGIE UND PETRO GRAPHIE IN EINZELDARSTELLUNG...