A critical edition of Fougeret de Monbron's 'Le Cosmopolite, ou le citoyen du monde' (1750). The introductory notes focus on the links to Voltaire's 'Candide' and show how Monbron's cynical memoirs combined with another important narrative source of 'Candide', La Place's 'Histoire de Tom Jones, ou l'enfant trouve' (1750). Edouard Langille is Professor of French Language and Literature at the St Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia, Canada."
A critical edition of Fougeret de Monbron's 'Le Cosmopolite, ou le citoyen du monde' (1750). The introductory notes focus on the links to Voltaire's '...
CrEEe le 6 mars 1792 au ThEAtre de la Nation, La Mort d'Abel de Gabriel-Marie LegouvE constitue l'un des meilleurs succEs de public et de critique des ComEdiens FranCais pendant les annEes 1792-1793. La fortune de la reprise d'un Episode biblique en pleine pEriode de dEchristianisation n'est qu'apparemment paradoxale. InfluencE par le poEme homonyme de Salomon Gessner, LegouvE se propose de renouveler le genre par une rEinterprEtation du mythe de la fraternitE fratricide dont la lecture s'avEre fort ancrEe dans une actualitE socio-historique caractErisEe par ce « paradoxe de...
CrEEe le 6 mars 1792 au ThEAtre de la Nation, La Mort d'Abel de Gabriel-Marie LegouvE constitue l'un des meilleurs succEs de public et de ...
Les Veuves créoles is the first play known to have been composed in Martinique. This three-act prose comedy was published anonymously in Paris in 1768 and was performed at least twice in the capital of Caribbean theatre, Saint-Domingue (now Haiti) during the colonial period. Set in colonial Martinique in the port town of Saint-Pierre, Les Veuves créoles represents an early example of créole francophone drama. Three créole widows are courted by the grasping and dishonest Fatincourt who, after six years on the island, is keen to marry...
Les Veuves créoles is the first play known to have been composed in Martinique. This three-act prose comedy was published anonymous...
The death of HonorE Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de Mirabeau, on 2 April 1791, was a key moment in the early years of the French Revolution. The renowned orator, who had played a major role in drafting the DEclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen, succumbed to heart disease aged forty-two. His death prompted the establishment of the PanthEon, that secular temple intended to honour the great men of a new, free France. It was also the impetus for a whole range of artistic commemorative creations, including a number of plays, performed or published in the days following his...
The death of HonorE Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de Mirabeau, on 2 April 1791, was a key moment in the early years of the French Revolution. The renowned...