This powerful drama of prison life is set in a house of detention where a group of young convicts-predominantly black and Puerto Rican-taunt, fight, insult, and entertain one another in an attempt to preserve their sanity and to create a semblance of community. When a young white prisoner accused of child molesting is thrown into the cell block by a guard who says he belongs in Sing Sing because "the men up there konw what to do with degenerates like you," the stage is set for an explosive series of events; for, among...
Winner of the New York Drama Critics Circle Award
This powerful drama of prison life is set in a house of detention where a group of y...
Kipphardt uses the facts taken from the published transcript to present some fundamental issues which face the world today--the conflict between the responsibility of the individual to his country and to humanity as a whole, the right of the patriot to express views at odds with those of his government without his loyalty being called into question.
Kipphardt uses the facts taken from the published transcript to present some fundamental issues which face the world today--the conflict between the r...