We consider the problem of minimizing the relative perimeter under a volume constraint in an unbounded convex body C ? Rn, without assuming any further regularity on the boundary of C. Motivated by an example of an unbounded convex body with null isoperimetric profile, we introduce the concept of unbounded convex body with uniform geometry. We then provide a handy characterization of the uniform geometry property and, by exploiting the notion of asymptotic cylinder of C, we prove existence of isoperimetric regions in a generalized sense. By an approximation argument we show the strict...
We consider the problem of minimizing the relative perimeter under a volume constraint in an unbounded convex body C ? Rn, without assuming any furthe...
In this article we propose a geometric description of Arthur packets for padic groups using vanishing cycles of perverse sheaves. Our approach is inspired by the 1992 book by Adams, Barbasch and Vogan on the Langlands classification of admissible representations of real groups and follows the direction indicated by Vogan in his 1993 paper on the Langlands correspondence. Using vanishing cycles, we introduce and study a functor from the category of equivariant perverse sheaves on the moduli space of certain Langlands parameters to local systems on the regular part of the conormal bundle for...
In this article we propose a geometric description of Arthur packets for padic groups using vanishing cycles of perverse sheaves. Our approach is insp...