The man who invented the television talk show surpassed even himself when he created Meeting of Minds, the award-winning series that captured America's imagination. These four volumes offer the original scripts from the series, including material edited from the broadcast versions that ran from 1977 to 1981 on PBS stations nationwide. Many believe that Meeting of Minds is the most brilliant series ever to be written for television. The show provides a groundbreaking opportunity to be exposed to ideas by way of a medium not normally known for its intellectual vigor. Indeed, Meeting of...
The man who invented the television talk show surpassed even himself when he created Meeting of Minds, the award-winning series that captured America'...
The man who invented the television talk show surpassed even himself when he created Meeting of Minds, the award-winning series that captured America's imagination. These four volumes offer the original scripts from the series, including material edited from the broadcast versions that ran from 1977 to 1981 on PBS stations nationwide. Many believe that Meeting of Minds is the most brilliant series ever to be written for television. The show provides a groundbreaking opportunity to be exposed to ideas by way of a medium not normally known for its intellectual vigor. Indeed, Meeting of...
The man who invented the television talk show surpassed even himself when he created Meeting of Minds, the award-winning series that captured America'...