After decades in which American popular culture dominated global media and markets, Japanese popular culture--primarily manga and anime, but also toys, card and video games, and fashion--has exploded into a worldwide phenomenon. From Pokemon and the Power Rangers to Paranoia Agent and Princess Mononoke, Japanese popular culture is consumed by an eager and exponentially increasing audience of youths, teenagers, and adults. Mechademia, a new annual edited by Frenchy Lunning, begins an innovative and fresh conversation among scholars, critics, and fans about the complexity of art forms like...
After decades in which American popular culture dominated global media and markets, Japanese popular culture--primarily manga and anime, but also toys...
Known as the "Walt Disney of Japan" it is no surprise that Tezuka Osamu is still the best-known manga creator to Western fans. Current scholarship has uncovered the profound complexity and ambiguity not only of his work but of the man, the artist, and his life--dismantling his position as the god of manga.
Contributors to this volume of Mechademia--a series devoted to creative and critical work on anime, manga, and the fan arts--analyze Tezuka and his complicated approaches toward life and nonlife on earth, as well as his effect on the lives of other manga artists....
Known as the "Walt Disney of Japan" it is no surprise that Tezuka Osamu is still the best-known manga creator to Western fans. Current scholars...
If the source of manga and anime is physically located in Japan, the temptation for many critics and scholars is to ask what aspects of Japanese culture and history gave rise to these media. This ninth volume of Mechademia--an annual collection of critical work on anime and manga--challenges the tendency to answer the question of origins by reductively generalizing and essentializing "Japaneseness."
The essays brought together in Mechademia 9 lead us to understand the extent to which "Japan" might be seen as an idea generated by anime, manga, and other texts...
If the source of manga and anime is physically located in Japan, the temptation for many critics and scholars is to ask what aspects of Japanes...