Using a prosopographical approach that combines descriptive exposition, quantitative tabulation, and structural analysis, Randy Widdis determines the geographical and social origins of migrants, the distance and direction of migration corridors, and geographical destinations in both the United States and Canada. The study provides a new view of the invisible Anglo-Canadian, one of the largest and least understood immigrant groups in the United States. Widdis's results show that there were many differences between Anglo-Canadians, and that their experience in the United States was much more...
Using a prosopographical approach that combines descriptive exposition, quantitative tabulation, and structural analysis, Randy Widdis determines the ...
Working from interpretations of classic theoretical approaches to class and ethnicity, this work discusses the role of class formation at different historical periods and in different social contexts, looking at the idea of the nation-state and the role of ethnicity in colonialism.
Working from interpretations of classic theoretical approaches to class and ethnicity, this work discusses the role of class formation at different hi...
Approximately 8,000 Canadian civilians were imprisoned during the First World War because of their ethnic ties to Germany, Austria-Hungary, and other enemy nations. Although not as well-known as the later internments of Japanese Canadians during the Second World War, these incarcerations played a crucial role in shaping debates about Canadian citizenship, diversity, and loyalty. Tracing the evolution and consequences of Canadian government policy towards immigrants of enemy nationality, No Free Man is a nuanced work that acknowledges both the challenges faced by the Government of Canada as...
Approximately 8,000 Canadian civilians were imprisoned during the First World War because of their ethnic ties to Germany, Austria-Hungary, and other ...
In the wake of Europe's so-called refugee crisis in 2015 and 2016, even traditionally open countries such as Sweden and Germany adopted hostile policies on refugees, closing borders and linking refugees with terrorism and threats to national security. Once deemed taboo, uncharitable conduct towards those in need has become increasingly acceptable, and even desirable, throughout the Western world. From Righteousness to Far Right follows nineteen months of ethnographic fieldwork with a grassroots NGO in a small Swedish village, where over one hundred refugees were housed. Through an embedded,...
In the wake of Europe's so-called refugee crisis in 2015 and 2016, even traditionally open countries such as Sweden and Germany adopted hostile polici...
Rosenberg drew his information from the Canadian census of 1931 and previous census records, statistical material from other studies collected by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, and international data sources. His comparative approach, with Canadian Jews compared wherever possible to other ethnic or religious groups in Canada and to diaspora Jewish communities elsewhere, is a major strength of the work. This new edition is a facsimile which faithfully reproduces Rosenberg's meticulous compilation of statistics. It includes a new introductory essay by Morton Weinfeld, who focuses on...
Rosenberg drew his information from the Canadian census of 1931 and previous census records, statistical material from other studies collected by the ...