In this multicultural and educational series from Bollywood Groove, join Maya, Neel and their pet squirrel, Chintu, as they visit their cousin Arnav to explore Mumbai, one of India's most fun cities
Kids will learn about history, famous places, food, language and cultural elements of Mumbai... all while making two new best friends
** Book Includes: ** INFO-ZOOM: Bollywood, Dabbawalas of...
In this multicultural and educational series from Bollywood Groove, join Maya, Neel and their pet squirrel, Chintu, as they visit their cousin Arnav to explore Mumbai, one of India's most fun cities
Kids will learn about history, famous places, food, language and cultural elements of Mumbai... all while making two new best friends
** Book Includes: ** INFO-ZOOM: Bollywood, Dabbawalas of...
In this multicultural and educational series, Maya, Neel, and their pet squirrel visit a Muslim family in India to celebrate Ramadan and Eid. Kids will learn about history, food, language, and cultural elements of Ramadan and Eid all while making two new best friends!
In this multicultural and educational series, Maya, Neel, and their pet squirrel visit a Muslim family in India to celebrate Ramadan and Eid. Kids wil...