This book highlights recent advances in natural computing, including biology and its theory, bio-inspired computing, computational aesthetics, computational models and theories, computing with natural media, philosophy of natural computing and educational technology. It presents extended versions of the best papers selected from the symposium 8th International Workshop on Natural Computing (IWNC7), held in Tokyo, Japan, in 2014. The target audience is not limited to researchers working in natural computing but also those active in biological engineering, fine/media art design, aesthetics and...
This book highlights recent advances in natural computing, including biology and its theory, bio-inspired computing, computational aesthetics, computa...
This book focuses on opera house acoustics based on subjective preference theory; it targets researchers in acoustics and vision who are working in physics, psychology and brain physiology. This book helps readers to understand any subjective attributes in relation to objective parameters based on the powerful and workable model of the auditory system.
It is reconfirmed here that the well-known Helmholtz theory, which was based on a peripheral model of the auditory system, may not well describe pitch, timbre and duration as well as the spatial sensations described in this book, nor...
This book focuses on opera house acoustics based on subjective preference theory; it targets researchers in acoustics and vision who are working in...
This book is a collection of papers presented at the Forum "Applications + Practical Conceptualization + Mathematics = fruitful Innovation" in October 2014. This book illustrates various aspects of this two-way interaction between applications and the association highlighting how the practical conceptualization assists with the linking of the question that encapsulates the current application to the relevant mathematics. The contents of this book address productive and successful interaction between industry and mathematicians, as well as the cross-fertilization and collaboration that result...
This book is a collection of papers presented at the Forum "Applications + Practical Conceptualization + Mathematics = fruitful Innovation" in October...
Subsequently, vibration diagnosis techniques for traditional ball bearings and active vibration control from magnetic bearing are introduced. Torsional vibration and other coupled vibration phenomena are also included. Vibration measurement techniques and related signal processing procedures for vibration diagnosis are provided.
Subsequently, vibration diagnosis techniques for traditional ball bearings and active vibration control from magnetic bearing are introduced. Torsiona...
This book clearly shows the importance, usefulness, and powerfulness of current optimization technologies, in particular, mixed-integer programming and its remarkable applications.
This book clearly shows the importance, usefulness, and powerfulness of current optimization technologies, in particular, mixed-integer programming an...
"Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis" (MEIS2015), was held in Fukuoka, Japan, September 25-27, 2015. The aim of the symposium was to provide a unique venue where various issues in computer graphics (CG) application fields could be discussed by mathematicians, CG researchers, and practitioners. Through the previous symposiums MEIS2013 and MEIS2014, mathematicians as well as CG researchers have recognized that CG is a specific and practical activity derived from mathematical theories. Issues found in CG broaden the field of mathematics and vice versa, and CG visualizes mathematical theories...
"Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis" (MEIS2015), was held in Fukuoka, Japan, September 25-27, 2015. The aim of the symposium was to provide a uniq...
This book collects the papers presented at the Kyushu University in Fukuoka in October 2015. On this occasion, the unifying theme was "The role and importance of mathematics in innovation." Innovation is in fact the cornerstone of creativity in all human endeavors. It involves "seeing" things from an entirely new, sometimes quite elementary, perspective. Innovation in mathematics is the bread and butter of mathematical creativity. Equally important is the innovation in the performance of mathematics which can be disarmingly simple but have profound consequences. The book illustrates two...
This book collects the papers presented at the Kyushu University in Fukuoka in October 2015. On this occasion, the unifying theme was "The role and im...
This book is about the pattern formation and the evolution of crack propagation in engineering materials and structures, bridging mathematical analyses of cracks based on singular integral equations, to computational simulation of engineering design. The first two parts of this book focus on elasticity and fracture and provide the basis for discussions on fracture morphology and its numerical simulation, which may lead to a simulation-based fracture control in engineering structures. Several design concepts are discussed for the prevention of fatigue and fracture in engineering structures,...
This book is about the pattern formation and the evolution of crack propagation in engineering materials and structures, bridging mathematical anal...
This book highlights recent advances in natural computing, including biology and its theory, bio-inspired computing, computational aesthetics, computational models and theories, computing with natural media, philosophy of natural computing and educational technology.
This book highlights recent advances in natural computing, including biology and its theory, bio-inspired computing, computational aesthetics, computa...