This textbook provides a thorough introduction to the differential geometry of parametrized curves and surfaces, along with a wealth of applications to specific architectural elements.
Geometric elements in architecture respond to practical, physical and aesthetic needs. Proper understanding of the mathematics underlying the geometry provides control over the construction. This book relates the classical mathematical theory of parametrized curves and surfaces to multiple applications in architecture. The presentation is mathematically complete with numerous figures and animations...
This textbook provides a thorough introduction to the differential geometry of parametrized curves and surfaces, along with a wealth of applications t...
This book focuses on symmetries in the analysis and synthesis of architectural designs. Crucial in the history of architecture, principles of symmetry provided the means to achieve balance and harmony of spatial composition in architecture. Less well known is the importance of symmetry principles in the analysis of the distinct constituents in a contemporary architectural design which may, at first glance, appear disorganized or even random. The revelation of different hierarchical levels wherein various types of symmetry or subsymmetry are superimposed provides a key for deciphering the...
This book focuses on symmetries in the analysis and synthesis of architectural designs. Crucial in the history of architecture, principles of symmetry...