Visualization technology has become a crucial component of medical and b- medical data processing and analysis. This technology complements tra- tional image processing methods as it allows scientists and practicing medical doctors to visually interact with large, high-resolution three-dimensional - age data. Further, an ever increasing number of new data acquisition me- ods is being used in medicine and the life sciences, in particular in genomics and proteomics. The book contains papers discussing some of the latest data processing and visualization techniques and systems for e?ective...
Visualization technology has become a crucial component of medical and b- medical data processing and analysis. This technology complements tra- tiona...
ThisbookattemptstocapturesomeoftheexcitementofaninspiringDagstuhl SeminarinJanuary2007. Theauthorsreportonrecentresearchresultsaswell as opining on future directions for the analysis and visualization of tensor ?elds. Topics range from applications of the analysis of tensor ?elds to purer researchintotheirmathematical andanalytical properties. Oneofthegoalsof thisseminarwastobringtogetherresearchersfromalongthatpure-to-applied disciplinary axis with the hope of fostering new collaborations and research. This book, we hope, will continue to further that goal in a broader context. Providence,...
ThisbookattemptstocapturesomeoftheexcitementofaninspiringDagstuhl SeminarinJanuary2007. Theauthorsreportonrecentresearchresultsaswell as opining on fu...
Visualization research aims to provide insight into large, complicated data sets and the phenomena behind them. While there are di?erent methods of reaching this goal, topological methods stand out for their solid mathem- ical foundation, which guides the algorithmic analysis and its presentation. Topology-based methods in visualization have been around since the beg- ning of visualization as a scienti?c discipline, but they initially played only a minor role. In recent years, interest in topology-basedvisualization has grown andsigni?cantinnovationhasledto...
Visualization research aims to provide insight into large, complicated data sets and the phenomena behind them. While there are di?erent methods of re...
The goal of visualization is the accurate, interactive, and intuitive presentation of data. Complex numerical simulations, high-resolution imaging devices and incre- ingly common environment-embedded sensors are the primary generators of m- sive data sets. Being able to derive scienti?c insight from data increasingly depends on having mathematical and perceptual models to provide the necessary foundation for effective data analysis and comprehension. The peer-reviewed state-of-the-art research papers included in this book focus on continuous data models, such as is common in medical imaging...
The goal of visualization is the accurate, interactive, and intuitive presentation of data. Complex numerical simulations, high-resolution imaging dev...
The book contains twenty-two original scienti?c research articles that address the state-of-the-art in using partial di?erential equations for image and signal processing. The articles arose from presentations given at the inter- tional conference on PDE-Based Image Processing and Related Inverse Pr- lems, held at the Centre of Mathematics for Applications, University of Oslo, Norway, August 8-12, 2005. The purpose of the conference was to bring together international - searchers to present various aspects of new developments in using numerical techniques for partial di?erential equations to...
The book contains twenty-two original scienti?c research articles that address the state-of-the-art in using partial di?erential equations for image a...
Multiresolution methods in geometric modelling are concerned with the generation, representation, and manipulation of geometric objects at several levels of detail. Applications include fast visualization and rendering as well as coding, compression, and digital transmission of 3D geometric objects.
This book marks the culmination of the four-year EU-funded research project, Multiresolution in Geometric Modelling (MINGLE). The book contains seven survey papers, providing a detailed overview of recent advances in the various fields within multiresolution modelling, and sixteen...
Multiresolution methods in geometric modelling are concerned with the generation, representation, and manipulation of geometric objects at several ...
Mathematical Visualization aims at an abstract framework for fundamen- tal objects appearing in visualization and at the application of the manifold visualization techniques to problems in geometry, topology and numerical mathematics. The articles in this volume report on new research results in this field, on the development of software and educational material and on mathematical applications. The book grew out of the third international workshop "Visualization and Mathematics," which was held from May 22-25, 2002 in Berlin (Germany). The workshop was funded by the...
Mathematical Visualization aims at an abstract framework for fundamen- tal objects appearing in visualization and at the application of the manifold v...
Topology-based methods are of increasing importance in the analysis and visualization of dataset from a wide variety of scientific domains such as biology, physics, engineering, and medicine. Current challenges of topology-based techniques include the management of time-dependent data, the representation large and complex datasets, the characterization of noise and uncertainty, the effective integration of numerical methods with robust combinatorial algorithms, etc. (see also below for a list of selected issues). While there is an increasing number of high-quality publications in this field,...
Topology-based methods are of increasing importance in the analysis and visualization of dataset from a wide variety of scientific domains such as bio...
Mathematical Visualization aims at an abstract framework for fundamen- tal objects appearing in visualization and at the application of the manifold visualization techniques to problems in geometry, topology and numerical mathematics. The articles in this volume report on new research results in this field, on the development of software and educational material and on mathematical applications. The book grew out of the third international workshop "Visualization and Mathematics," which was held from May 22-25, 2002 in Berlin (Germany). The workshop was funded by the...
Mathematical Visualization aims at an abstract framework for fundamen- tal objects appearing in visualization and at the application of the manifold v...
Multiresolution methods in geometric modelling are concerned with the generation, representation, and manipulation of geometric objects at several levels of detail. Applications include fast visualization and rendering as well as coding, compression, and digital transmission of 3D geometric objects.
This book marks the culmination of the four-year EU-funded research project, Multiresolution in Geometric Modelling (MINGLE). The book contains seven survey papers, providing a detailed overview of recent advances in the various fields within multiresolution modelling, and sixteen...
Multiresolution methods in geometric modelling are concerned with the generation, representation, and manipulation of geometric objects at several ...