In recent times it has been stated that many dynamical systems of classical mathematical physics and mechanics are endowed with symplectic structures, given in the majority of cases by Poisson brackets. Very often such Poisson structures on corresponding manifolds are canonical, which gives rise to the possibility of producing their hidden group theoretical essence for many completely integrable dynamical systems. It is a well understood fact that great part of comprehensive integrability theories of nonlinear dynamical systems on manifolds is based on Lie-algebraic ideas, by means of which,...
In recent times it has been stated that many dynamical systems of classical mathematical physics and mechanics are endowed with symplectic structures,...
This book provides an introduction to Hilbert space theory, Fourier transform and wavelets, linear operators, generalized functions and quantum mechanics. Although quantum mechanics has been developed between 1925 and 1930 in the last twenty years a large number of new aspect and techniques have been introduced. The book also covers these new fields in quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics the basic mathematical tools are the theory of Hilbert spaces, the theory of linear operators, the theory of generalized functions and Lebesgue inte- gration theory. Many excellent textbooks have been...
This book provides an introduction to Hilbert space theory, Fourier transform and wavelets, linear operators, generalized functions and quantum mechan...
(2) Green's functions were constructed and studied for general elliptic boundary-va- lue problems ([BeRI]-[Ber3], [Kovl], and [Kov2]). (3) Generalized eigenfunctions, spectral function, etc., were investigated in spectral theory [Ber]. (4) Elliptic boundary-value problems with arbitrary power singularities on the right- hand sides were investigated ([Roi6], [Kos2,] and [Ser)). (5) A family of elliptic problems was studied in a family of expanding domains; the obtained results were applied to the investigation of elliptic problems with time deriva- tives in the boundary conditions and...
(2) Green's functions were constructed and studied for general elliptic boundary-va- lue problems ([BeRI]-[Ber3], [Kovl], and [Kov2]). (3) Generalized...
In the present book the reader will find a review of methods for constructing a certain class of asymptotic solutions, which we call self-stabilizing solutions. This class includes solitons, kinks, traveling waves, etc. It can be said that either the solutions from this class or their derivatives are localized in the neighborhood of a certain curve or surface. For the present edition, the book published in Moscow by the Nauka publishing house in 1987, was almost completely revised, essentially up-dated, and shows our present understanding of the problems considered. The new results, obtained...
In the present book the reader will find a review of methods for constructing a certain class of asymptotic solutions, which we call self-stabilizing ...
Small noise is a good noise. In this work, we are interested in the problems of estimation theory concerned with observations of the diffusion-type process Xo = Xo, 0 t T, (0. 1) where W is a standard Wiener process and St(') is some nonanticipative smooth t function. By the observations X = {X, 0 t T} of this process, we will solve some t of the problems of identification, both parametric and nonparametric. If the trend S(-) is known up to the value of some finite-dimensional parameter St(X) = St((}, X), where (} E e c Rd, then we have a parametric case. The nonparametric problems arise if...
Small noise is a good noise. In this work, we are interested in the problems of estimation theory concerned with observations of the diffusion-type pr...
Controlled stochastic processes with discrete time form a very interest ing and meaningful field of research which attracts widespread attention. At the same time these processes are used for solving of many applied problems in the queueing theory, in mathematical economics. in the theory of controlled technical systems, etc. . In this connection, methods of the theory of controlled processes constitute the every day instrument of many specialists working in the areas mentioned. The present book is devoted to the rather new area, that is, to the optimal control theory with functional...
Controlled stochastic processes with discrete time form a very interest ing and meaningful field of research which attracts widespread attention. At t...
The evolution of systems in random media is a broad and fruitful field for the applica- tions of different mathematical methods and theories. This evolution can be character- ized by a semigroup property. In the abstract form, this property is given by a semigroup of operators in a normed vector (Banach) space. In the practically boundless variety of mathematical models of the evolutionary systems, we have chosen the semi-Markov ran- dom evolutions as an object of our consideration. The definition of the evolutions of this type is based on rather simple initial assumptions. The random medium...
The evolution of systems in random media is a broad and fruitful field for the applica- tions of different mathematical methods and theories. This evo...
Approach your problem from the right end It isn't that they can't see the solution. and begin with the answers. It is that they can't see the problem. Then one day, perhaps you will find the final question. G. K. Chesterton. The Scandal of Father Brown The point of a Pin. The Hermit Clad in Crane Feathers in R. van Gulik's The Chinese Maze Murders. Growing specialization and diversification have brought a host of mono graphs and textbooks on increasingly specialized topics. However, the "tree" of knowledge of mathematics and related fields does not grow only by putting forth new branches....
Approach your problem from the right end It isn't that they can't see the solution. and begin with the answers. It is that they can't see the problem....