This book is dedicated to the theory of continuous selections of multi valued mappings, a classical area of mathematics (as far as the formulation of its fundamental problems and methods of solutions are concerned) as well as 'J-n area which has been intensively developing in recent decades and has found various applications in general topology, theory of absolute retracts and infinite-dimensional manifolds, geometric topology, fixed-point theory, functional and convex analysis, game theory, mathematical economics, and other branches of modern mathematics. The fundamental results in this the...
This book is dedicated to the theory of continuous selections of multi valued mappings, a classical area of mathematics (as far as the formulation of ...
This book is devoted to an investigation of some important problems of mod ern filtering theory concerned with systems of 'any nature being able to per ceive, store and process an information and apply it for control and regulation'. (The above quotation is taken from the preface to 27]). Despite the fact that filtering theory is l'argely worked out (and its major issues such as the Wiener-Kolmogorov theory of optimal filtering of stationary processes and Kalman-Bucy recursive filtering theory have become classical) a development of the theory is far from complete. A great deal of recent...
This book is devoted to an investigation of some important problems of mod ern filtering theory concerned with systems of 'any nature being able to pe...
Finslerian Laplacians have arisen from the demands of modelling the modern world. However, the roots of the Laplacian concept can be traced back to the sixteenth century. Its phylogeny and history are presented in the Prologue of this volume. The text proper begins with a brief introduction to stochastically derived Finslerian Laplacians, facilitated by applications in ecology, epidemiology and evolutionary biology. The mathematical ideas are then fully presented in section II, with generalizations to Lagrange geometry following in section III. With section IV, the focus abruptly shifts...
Finslerian Laplacians have arisen from the demands of modelling the modern world. However, the roots of the Laplacian concept can be traced back to th...
The role of Hilbert polynomials in commutative and homological algebra as well as in algebraic geometry and combinatorics is well known. A similar role in differential algebra is played by the differential dimension polynomials. The notion of differential dimension polynomial was introduced by E. Kolchin in 1964 KoI64]' but the problems and ideas that had led to this notion (and that are reflected in this book) have essentially more long history. Actually, one can say that the differential dimension polynomial describes in exact terms the freedom degree of a dynamic system as well as the...
The role of Hilbert polynomials in commutative and homological algebra as well as in algebraic geometry and combinatorics is well known. A similar rol...
Cellular automata can be viewed both as computational models and modelling systems of real processes. This volume emphasises the first aspect. In articles written by leading researchers, sophisticated massive parallel algorithms (firing squad, life, Fischer's primes recognition) are treated. Their computational power and the specific complexity classes they determine are surveyed, while some recent results in relation to chaos from a new dynamic systems point of view are also presented. Audience: This book will be of interest to specialists of theoretical computer science and...
Cellular automata can be viewed both as computational models and modelling systems of real processes. This volume emphasises the first aspect. In arti...
At the beginning of this century Emil Picard wrote: "Les equations differentielles de la mecanique classique sont telles qu 'il en resulte que le mouvement est determine par la simple connaissance des positions et des vitesses, c 'est-a-dire par l 'etat a un instant donne et a 'instant infiniment voison. Les etats anterieurs n'y intervenant pas, l'heredite y est un vain mot. L 'application de ces equations ou le passe ne se distingue pas de l 'avenir, ou les mouvements sont de nature reversible, sont done inapplicables aux etres vivants." "Nous pouvons rever d'equations fonctionnelles plus...
At the beginning of this century Emil Picard wrote: "Les equations differentielles de la mecanique classique sont telles qu 'il en resulte que le mouv...
This book contains an exposition of the theory of meromorphic functions and linear series on a compact Riemann surface. Thus the main subject matter consists of holomorphic maps from a compact Riemann surface to complex projective space. Our emphasis is on families of meromorphic functions and holomorphic curves. Our approach is more geometric than algebraic along the lines of Griffiths-Harrisl]. AIso, we have relied on the books Namba] and Arbarello-Cornalba-Griffiths-Harris] to agreat exten- nearly every result in Chapters 1 through 4 can be found in the union of these two books. Our...
This book contains an exposition of the theory of meromorphic functions and linear series on a compact Riemann surface. Thus the main subject matter c...
Since the initiative works for global analysis of linear differential equations by G.G. Stokes and B. Riemann in 1857, the Airy function and the Gauss hypergeometric function became the most important and the greatest practical special functions, which have a variety of applications to mathematical science, physics and engineering. The cffcctivity of these functions is essentially due to their "behavior in the large" . For instance, the Airy function plays a basic role in the asymptotic analysis of many functions arising as solutions of differential equations in several problems of applied...
Since the initiative works for global analysis of linear differential equations by G.G. Stokes and B. Riemann in 1857, the Airy function and the Gauss...
In this monograph stochastic models of systems analysis are discussed. It covers many aspects and different stages from the construction of mathematical models of real systems, through mathematical analysis of models based on simplification methods, to the interpretation of real stochastic systems. The stochastic models described here share the property that their evolutionary aspects develop under the influence of random factors. It has been assumed that the evolution takes place in a random medium, i.e. unilateral interaction between the system and the medium. As only Markovian models...
In this monograph stochastic models of systems analysis are discussed. It covers many aspects and different stages from the construction of mathematic...
The notion of singular quadratic form appears in mathematical physics as a tool for the investigation of formal expressions corresponding to perturbations devoid of operator sense. Numerous physical models are based on the use of Hamiltonians containing perturba tion terms with singular properties. Typical examples of such expressions are Schrodin ger operators with O-potentials (- + AD) and Hamiltonians in quantum field theory with perturbations given in terms of operators of creation and annihilation (P("
The notion of singular quadratic form appears in mathematical physics as a tool for the investigation of formal expressions corresponding to perturbat...