Detective Harvey Larson and his wife, Jennifer, settle into their idyllic home life as newlyweds, but things take a terrifying turn when they dig too deeply into a case concerning a ring of art thieves. Harvey and Jennifer pose as art collectors and get more response than they expected. Meanwhile, Jennifer’s sister Abby comes to stay with them, and Harvey finds himself sorting out her suitors. Should he lift his ban on his young partner Eddie when it comes to dating his sisters-in-law? In the heat of the investigation, Harvey struggles with feelings of vengeance when...
Detective Harvey Larson and his wife, Jennifer, settle into their idyllic home life as newlyweds, but things take a terrifying turn when...
All detective Eddie Thibodeau wants to do is marry the woman he loves, but after a Facebook post goes viral, that may not be easy. It seems half the women in Portland are in love with the handsome detective, and Leeanne Wainthrop isn’t sure whether she can trust Eddie’s declaration of love or not.
A dead man found in Chief Mike Browning’s back yard on Christmas Day is the first clue to a plan hatched from vengeance. Can Eddie ignore the distractions of his love life and measure up when he comes face to face with a hired killer? The men of the Priority Unit are ready...
All detective Eddie Thibodeau wants to do is marry the woman he loves, but after a Facebook post goes viral, that may not be easy. It seems half th...