Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft has influenced and guided countless students, coven initiates, and solitaries around the world. One of modern Wicca's most recommended books, this comprehensive text features a step-by-step course in Witchcraft, with photographs and illustrations, rituals, beliefs, history, and lore, as well as instruction in spellwork, divination, herbalism, healing, channeling, dreamwork, sabbats, esbats, covens, and solitary practice. The workbook format includes exam questions at the end of each lesson, so you can build a permanent record of your spiritual and...
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft has influenced and guided countless students, coven initiates, and solitaries around the world. One of moder...
Discover the ancient lore, household techniques, and spiritual wisdom that will help turn every day into a time of magic, respect for all, and love of the Goddess, when you get Wheel of the Year by Pauline Campanelli. Wheel of the Year takes you on a month-by-month journey of discovery through seasonal aspects of Paganism practiced both in recent and ancient times. Just look at a few of the things shared in this gentle, loving book: For December: The Magic of Mistletoe; The Ritual Burning of the Yule Log; Magical Uses of Ashes from the Yule Fire; A Ritual for Cutting...
Discover the ancient lore, household techniques, and spiritual wisdom that will help turn every day into a time of magic, respect for all, and love of...
Natural magic utilizes the world around us for magical purposes. Herbs are one of the most important tools for natural magic, and the best introduction to this system is found in Scott Cunningham's Magical Herbalism. This book presents a complete system of magic using herbs. You will learn the theory of magic and the tools you'll need. Then you'll get countless techniques for using herbs for magic. Need a protection method? "Pick several protective herbs and bind the stems together with red thread, then hang them up. This practice dates back to Babylonian times." You'll find a list...
Natural magic utilizes the world around us for magical purposes. Herbs are one of the most important tools for natural magic, and the best introductio...
The ways of magic are revealed in nature . . . The secrets are written in meandering streams and drifting clouds, whispered by the roaring ocean and cooling breeze, echoed through caves and rocks and forests.
When you draw a heart in the sand, call on the four winds for assistance, or ask the rain to wash away a bad habit, you are practicing earth magic. By working in harmony with nature, we can transform ourselves, our lives, and our world. This tried-and-true guide offers more than one hundred spells, rites, and simple rituals you can perform using the powerful energy of the earth....
The ways of magic are revealed in nature . . . The secrets are written in meandering streams and drifting clouds, whispered by the roaring ocean an...
One of the secrets of real magic is that it is controlled by the mind. The more things in your ritual to help your mind associate with your goal, the more powerful your ritual may be. Colored candles, scented oils, natural incenses, and more all add to the impact of the magic you wish to do. But how do you know which incense to burn? Is it possible to add scented oils together to get a more powerful oil? And how do you make your own appropriately-scented tools?
The answers to questions like these and hundreds more can be found in The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews...
One of the secrets of real magic is that it is controlled by the mind. The more things in your ritual to help your mind associate with your goal, t...
“A treasure trove of practical magic for both novices and more experienced practitioners . . . beautifully crafted spells that invoke the alchemy of possibility.”—PanGaia
A leaf from an oak tree . . . a wildflower . . . water from a sparkling stream . . . dirt from a cool dark cave—these are the age-old tools of natural magic. Born of the earth, possessing inherent power, they await only our touch and intention to bring their magical qualities to life.
The four elements are powerful magical tools. Using their energies, we can transform...
“A treasure trove of practical magic for both novices and more experienced practitioners . . . beautifully crafted spells that invoke the al...
How would you like to increase the power of your magick? Now you can, with the help of real Louisiana Hoodoo. In Charms, Spells & Formulas, you'll find rituals and recipes for incenses, oils, powders and washes that you can use to make changes in your life. But that's just the beginning. You'll learn the secrets of how to make gris-gris bag charms for any purpose. You also get full instructions on how to set up your altar and perform the ritual to charge the bag so that it becomes a powerful magical tool. Need to improve your health or love life? Make a gris-gris bag You'll...
How would you like to increase the power of your magick? Now you can, with the help of real Louisiana Hoodoo. In Charms, Spells & Formulas, you...
Each month your energy levels wax and wane just as the Moon does, sometimes urging you to start new projects and other times easing you towards quiet and contemplation. Whether the Moon is making you feel adventurous and productive or dreamy and lethargic, you can use its energy to work for you instead of against you.
In this enduring classic, bestselling author D.J. Conway explains how each of the 13 lunar months is directly connected to a different type of seasonal energy flow. With 79 modern Pagan rituals for tapping the Moon's energy and celebrating its phases, you'll improve your...
Each month your energy levels wax and wane just as the Moon does, sometimes urging you to start new projects and other times easing you towards qui...
Now you can learn how to evoke and communicate with 50 spirit entities and make use of their abilities, when you get Summoning Spirits by Konstantinos. Evoking spirits is one of the most powerful magical techniques you can use-but, until now, most of the material available on evocation has been virtually unusable because it was written by those with little practical evocation experience. Summoning Spirits was written by a practicing magician who has successfully performed many evocations. With his guidance and clear directions, performing evocations will be easy and safe for...
Now you can learn how to evoke and communicate with 50 spirit entities and make use of their abilities, when you get Summoning Spirits by Konst...