Research teams from Great Britain, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, former East Germany and the United States of America examine the transition from paid employment to retirement in each country. The work is based on empirical data of the relevant actor systems: the states, collective organisations, firms and workers. Demographic trends and labour market dynamics, tight government finances and company budgets however give rise to fundamental changes in industrial work and social welfare regulation modes.
Research teams from Great Britain, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, former East Germany and the United States of America examine the transition from p...
Discusses general elliptic boundary value problems in domains with boundaries containing conical points and edges of different dimensions. The main topic is the solvability of such problems and the existence of asymptotic formulas for solutions near singularities. Applications to the mechanics of so
Discusses general elliptic boundary value problems in domains with boundaries containing conical points and edges of different dimensions. The main to...
In this study the syntactic properties of empty categories and dummy pronouns are investigated within the framework of Government-Binding theory. The assumption that clauses must have a subject is present in most, if not all, linguistic theories. In GB theory the requirement that clauses have a subject is stipulated as a consequence of the base rules or the Extended Projection Principle. In this book it is claimed that no such stipulation is necessary. The presence of a subject is exclusively determined by the theories of thematic roles and Case.This view is supported by the fact that the...
In this study the syntactic properties of empty categories and dummy pronouns are investigated within the framework of Government-Binding theory. The ...