The population genetics and speciation of fungi is a rapidly developing field, heavily dependent upon the use of molecular markers. No basic text exists which describes the methods employed or the findings obtained from such investigations. This book is intended to provide such an account. It describes the methodologies employed and, for the benefit of the non-mycological reader, a brief introduction to basic fungal biology. Recent findings relating to processes in fungal populations - mutation, migration, recombination, heterokaryosis, hybridization, polyploidy, and the operation of...
The population genetics and speciation of fungi is a rapidly developing field, heavily dependent upon the use of molecular markers. No basic text exis...
Simple text and bright photographs explain the concept of endangered and threatened animals for beginning readers. The book concludes with a simple, kid-friendly activity.
Simple text and bright photographs explain the concept of endangered and threatened animals for beginning readers. The book concludes with a simple, k...