Set in the near future within a war-torn Israel, The Jewish War chronicles the rise to power of Jerry Goldberg, a Bronx teen who has devoted his life to hastening the arrival of the Jewish Messiah. Charismatic and ambitious, Jerry changes his name to Yehudi Hagoel and amasses a cadre of followers to help him establish and maintain the God-given boundaries of Palestine.
Written with the humor and satire that have won her acclaim, Tova Reich narrates Hagoel's illicit passage to Israel, his coronation as king of secessionist Judea and Samaria, and his ultimate retreat from the Israeli...
Set in the near future within a war-torn Israel, The Jewish War chronicles the rise to power of Jerry Goldberg, a Bronx teen who has devoted his life ...
This is the story of Mara, a Jewish girl from Riverside Drive, and a hippie from Israel whom everyone distrusts, and the Orthodox wedding that unites them.
This is the story of Mara, a Jewish girl from Riverside Drive, and a hippie from Israel whom everyone distrusts, and the Orthodox wedding that unites ...
Alive with the scents and smells of India, this novel traces the rigid, curcumscribed lives of three generations of women in an extended Jewish family in the walled city of Ahmedabad. It is a brutally honest story of Indian Jews under siege in a society unlike any other where Jews have made a home.
Alive with the scents and smells of India, this novel traces the rigid, curcumscribed lives of three generations of women in an extended Jewish family...
A memoir of coming of age and struggling to leave the USSR. Shrayer chronicles the triumphs and humiliations of a Soviet childhood and expresses the dreams and fears of a Jewish family that never gave up its hopes for a better life.
A memoir of coming of age and struggling to leave the USSR. Shrayer chronicles the triumphs and humiliations of a Soviet childhood and expresses the d...