The Silent Sentinels tells the story of the National Woman's Party, a group of suffragists that began an ongoing protest outside of the gates of the White House back in 1917. Refusing to leave until the President of the United States agreed to support the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, thereby granting women the right to vote, these women endured torrential rains, freezing temperatures, and repeated attacks by mobs of angry men. When the government began arresting the suffragists en masse - forcing them into filthy cells and feeding them rotten food - the women went on...
The Silent Sentinels tells the story of the National Woman's Party, a group of suffragists that began an ongoing protest outside of the ga...
The Silent Sentinels tells the story of the National Woman's Party, a group of suffragists that began an ongoing protest outside of the gates of the White House back in 1917. Refusing to leave until the President of the United States agreed to support the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, thereby granting women the right to vote, these women endured torrential rains, freezing temperatures, and repeated attacks by mobs of angry men. When the government began arresting the suffragists en masse - forcing them into filthy cells and feeding them rotten food - the women went on...
The Silent Sentinels tells the story of the National Woman's Party, a group of suffragists that began an ongoing protest outside of the ga...
To Dare to Tell the Truth follows the life of Daniel Ellsberg, a government analyst who, when confronted by the growing horrors and immorality of the Vietnam conflict, decides to risk his own freedom to bring the truth to the American people. From the jungles of Vietnam, where Dan witnesses first-hand the brutality of modern warfare, to the streets of the United States, where the antiwar movement is challenging the authority of the American government, the story follows Dan on his personal journey from being a top secret military analyst to being a fervent anti-war activist. When...
To Dare to Tell the Truth follows the life of Daniel Ellsberg, a government analyst who, when confronted by the growing horrors and immora...
To Dare to Tell the Truth follows the life of Daniel Ellsberg, a government analyst who, when confronted by the growing horrors and immorality of the Vietnam conflict, decides to risk his own freedom to bring the truth to the American people. From the jungles of Vietnam, where Dan witnesses first-hand the brutality of modern warfare, to the streets of the United States, where the antiwar movement is challenging the authority of the American government, the story follows Dan on his personal journey from being a top secret military analyst to being a fervent anti-war activist. When...
To Dare to Tell the Truth follows the life of Daniel Ellsberg, a government analyst who, when confronted by the growing horrors and immora...