The geometry of real submanifolds in complex manifolds and the analysis of their mappings belong to the most advanced streams of contemporary Mathematics. In this area converge the techniques of various and sophisticated mathematical fields such as P.D.E.s, boundary value problems, induced equations, analytic discs in symplectic spaces, complex dynamics. For the variety of themes and the surprisingly good interplaying of different research tools, these problems attracted the attention of some among the best mathematicians of these latest two decades. They also entered as a refined content of...
The geometry of real submanifolds in complex manifolds and the analysis of their mappings belong to the most advanced streams of contemporary Mathemat...
This is the first book to provide a systematic exposition of promising techniques for the reconstruction of small inhomogeneities from boundary measurements. In particular, theoretical results and numerical procedures for the inverse problems for the conductivity equation, the Lam system, as well as the Helmholtz equation are discussed in a readable and informative manner. The general approach developed in this book is based on layer potential techniques and modern asymptotic analysis of partial differential equations. The book is particularly suitable for graduate students in mathematics.
This is the first book to provide a systematic exposition of promising techniques for the reconstruction of small inhomogeneities from boundary measur...
This volume provides a self-contained introduction to some topics in orbit equivalence theory, a branch of ergodic theory. The first two chapters focus on that probability measure-preserving, ergodic actions of the integers are orbit equivalent and of the theorem of Connes-Feldman-Weiss identifying amenability and hyperfiniteness for non-singular equivalence relations. The presentation here is often influenced by descriptive set theory, and Borel and generic analogs of various results are discussed. The final chapter is a detailed account of Gaboriau's recent results on the theory of costs...
This volume provides a self-contained introduction to some topics in orbit equivalence theory, a branch of ergodic theory. The first two chapters focu...
These notes present recent results in the value-distribution theory of L-functions with emphasis on the phenomenon of universality. Universality has a strong impact on the zero-distribution: Riemann's hypothesis is true only if the Riemann zeta-function can approximate itself uniformly. The text proves universality for polynomial Euler products. The authors' approach follows mainly Bagchi's probabilistic method. Discussion touches on related topics: almost periodicity, density estimates, Nevanlinna theory, and functional independence.
These notes present recent results in the value-distribution theory of L-functions with emphasis on the phenomenon of universality. Universality ha...
Diophantine Approximation is a branch of Number Theory having its origins intheproblemofproducing"best"rationalapproximationstogivenrealn- bers. Since the early work of Lagrange on Pell's equation and the pioneering work of Thue on the rational approximations to algebraic numbers of degree ? 3, it has been clear how, in addition to its own speci?c importance and - terest, the theory can have fundamental applications to classical diophantine problems in Number Theory. During the whole 20th century, until very recent times, this fruitful interplay went much further, also involving Transcend-...
Diophantine Approximation is a branch of Number Theory having its origins intheproblemofproducing"best"rationalapproximationstogivenrealn- bers. Since...
This book lays the algebraic foundations of a Galois theory of linear difference equations and shows its relationship to the analytic problem of finding meromorphic functions asymptotic to formal solutions of difference equations. Classically, this latter question was attacked by Birkhoff and Tritzinsky and the present work corrects and greatly generalizes their contributions. In addition results are presented concerning the inverse problem in Galois theory, effective computation of Galois groups, algebraic properties of sequences, phenomena in positive characteristics, and q-difference...
This book lays the algebraic foundations of a Galois theory of linear difference equations and shows its relationship to the analytic problem of findi...