Es gibt eine grosse Menge von betriebswirtschaftlichen Entscheidungsfragen, die sich mit den nunmehr bereits als herkommlich geltenden Optimierungs methoden des Operations Research nicht behandeln la ssen, sei es beispiels weise, dass die Zielfunktion und au ch einzelne Restriktionen nicht Konvex sind, sei es, dass nur ganzzahlige Losungen toleriert werden, sei es, dass die von einzelnen Variablen angenommenen Zahlenwerte Einfluss auf die Gultigkeit ganzer Restriktionengruppen nehmen. So wachsen z, B. die Kosten der Lagerhaltung als Sprungfunktion mit der Er richtung jedes zusatzlichen...
Es gibt eine grosse Menge von betriebswirtschaftlichen Entscheidungsfragen, die sich mit den nunmehr bereits als herkommlich geltenden Optimierungs me...
This book is devoted to the study of dynamical models of decentralized economic systems. The models considered are based on the Leontief simple dynamic model with various mechanisms for decentralized planning and management. Branches of the economic system are treated as fully independent economic agents that plan their work according to their own purposes. It is shown that the lack of coordination between economic agents leads to a limit cycle for some economic indicators. Conversely, the exchange of information between the economic agents enables a move toward balanced growth. These...
This book is devoted to the study of dynamical models of decentralized economic systems. The models considered are based on the Leontief simple dyn...
The book is a benefit for graduate and postgraduate students in the areas of operations research, decision theory, optimization theory, linear algebra, interval analysis and fuzzy sets. The book will also be useful for the researchers in the respective areas. The first part of the book deals with decision making problems and procedures that have been established to combine opinions about alternatives related to different points of view. Procedures based on pairwise comparisons are thoroughly investigated. In the second part we investigate optimization problems where objective functions and...
The book is a benefit for graduate and postgraduate students in the areas of operations research, decision theory, optimization theory, linear algebra...
The book presents a peer-reviewed collection of papers presented during the 10th issue of the Artificial Economics conference, addressing a variety of issues related to macroeconomics, industrial organization, networks, management and finance, as well as purely methodological issues. The field of artificial economics covers a broad range of methodologies relying on computer simulations in order to model and study the complexity of economic and social phenomena. The grounding principle of artificial economics is the analysis of aggregate properties of simulated systems populated by interacting...
The book presents a peer-reviewed collection of papers presented during the 10th issue of the Artificial Economics conference, addressing a variety of...
This book addresses the challenging task of demand forecasting and inventory management in retailing. It analyzes how information from point-of-sale scanner systems can be used to improve inventory decisions, and develops a data-driven approach that integrates demand forecasting and inventory management for perishable products, while taking unobservable lost sales and substitution into account in out-of-stock situations. Using linear programming, a new inventory function that reflects the causal relationship between demand and external factors such as price and weather is proposed. The book...
This book addresses the challenging task of demand forecasting and inventory management in retailing. It analyzes how information from point-of-sale s...
This bookpresents a rigorous treatment of the mathematical instruments available for dealing with income distributions, in particular Lorenz curves and related methods. The methods examinedallow usto analyze, compare and modify such distributions from an economic and social perspective. Though balanced income distributions are key to peacefulcoexistencewithin and between nations, it is often difficultto identify the right kind of balance needed, because there is an interesting interaction with innovation and economic growth. Theissue of justice, as discussed in Thomas Piketty sbestseller...
This bookpresents a rigorous treatment of the mathematical instruments available for dealing with income distributions, in particular Lorenz curve...
This monograph deals with theoretical and practical aspects of creating course timetables at academic institutions. The task is typically to create a timetable that suits the requirements of the stakeholders - students, lecturers, and the administration - as well as possible. The book presents an exposition of the basic combinatorial problems and solution methods for course timetabling and related tasks. It provides a rigorous treatment of fairness issues that arise in the course timetabling context and shows how to deal with the potentially conflicting interests of the stakeholders. The...
This monograph deals with theoretical and practical aspects of creating course timetables at academic institutions. The task is typically to create a ...
This volume contains contributions from the 11th International Conference on Management Science (CMS 2014), held at Lisbon, Portugal, on May 29-31, 2014. Computational Management Science provides a unique perspective in relevant decision-making processes by focusing on all its computational aspects.
This volume contains contributions from the 11th International Conference on Management Science (CMS 2014), held at Lisbon, Portugal, on May 29-31, 20...