A Message from the TAIC PART 2010 General Chair TAIC PART is a unique event that strives to combine aspects of a conference, a workshop and a retreat. Its purpose is to bring together industrialists and academics in an environment that promotes fundamental collaborationon pr- lems in software testing. Among the wide range of topics in computer science andsoftwareengineering, softwaretesting is anidealcandidatefor academicand industrialcollaborationbecauseadvancesinresearchcanhavesuchwide-ranging and far-reaching implications for industry. Conversely, the advances in comp- ing and...
A Message from the TAIC PART 2010 General Chair TAIC PART is a unique event that strives to combine aspects of a conference, a workshop and a retreat....
As software systems become increasingly ubiquitous, issues of dependability become ever more crucial. Given that solutions to these issues must be considered from the very beginning of the design process, it is clear that dependability and security have to be addressed at the architectural level. This book, as well as its six predecessors, was born of an effort to bring together the research communities of software architectures, dependability, and security.This state-of-the-art survey contains expanded, peer-reviewed papers based on selected contributions from the Workshop on Architecting...
As software systems become increasingly ubiquitous, issues of dependability become ever more crucial. Given that solutions to these issues must be con...
The conference series HCSE (Human-Centred Software Engineering) was established four years ago in Salamanca. HCSE 2010 is the third working conference of IFIP Working Group 13.2, Methodologies for User-Centered Systems Design. The goal of HCSE is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in strengthening the scientific foundations of user interface design, examining the re- tionship between software engineering and human-computer interaction and focusing on how to strengthen user-centered design as an essential part of software engineering processes. As a working conference,...
The conference series HCSE (Human-Centred Software Engineering) was established four years ago in Salamanca. HCSE 2010 is the third working conference...
We are pleased to welcome you to the eleventh edition of the Middleware c- ference. The program this year is a sign of the robustness, activity, and cont- ued growth of the Middleware community. As computing technology around us has evolved rapidly over the past decade, our notions of middleware have also adapted so that we stay focused on the most challenging and relevant problems for the present and future. As a result, this year's program features papers that belong to both tra- tional areas as well as new directions. Cloud computing, social middleware, and transactional memory are some of...
We are pleased to welcome you to the eleventh edition of the Middleware c- ference. The program this year is a sign of the robustness, activity, and c...
All modern industries rely on large and complex software systems. In order to construct such large systems in a systematic manner, the focus of the development methodologies has switched in the last two decades from functional to structural issues. Formal methods have been applied successfully to the verification of medium-sized programs in protocol and hardware design. However, their application to the development of large systems requires a greater emphasis on specification, modeling, and validation techniques supporting the concepts of reusability and modifiability, and their...
All modern industries rely on large and complex software systems. In order to construct such large systems in a systematic manner, the focus of the de...
Manfred Nagl has been a very active, productive researcher with great impact in a number of di?erent areas, e.g., graphtransformationsand their applications to a wide range of disciplines, software engineering environments, engineering designprocesses, andsoftwarearchitectures.We ?veofhisnumerousacademic descendants were in?uenced deeply by Manfred s work. For this reason, we decided to prepare this volume, which was edited in his honor on the occasion of his 65th birthday. A pre-release (book of abstracts) was presented to Manfred...
Manfred Nagl has been a very active, productive researcher with great impact in a number of di?erent areas, e.g., graphtransformationsand their applic...
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third European Conference, ServiceWave 2010, held in Ghent, Belgium, in December 2010. The 15 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 49 submissions. They cover a broad range of subjects related to service-oriented architectures and the underlying cloud infrastructure and are organized in topical sections on cloud computing, service adaptation and identification, infrastructures, applications and mashups, and engineering of service-oriented applications. In addition to the scientific track, 24 extended...
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third European Conference, ServiceWave 2010, held in Ghent, Belgium, in December 2010. The 15 ...
Constitutes the proceedings of the Second Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking, TPCTC 2010, held in conjunction with the 36th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB 2010, in Singapore, September 13-17, 2010. This book considers issues such as appliance; business intelligence; and cloud computing.
Constitutes the proceedings of the Second Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking, TPCTC 2010, held in conjunction with the 3...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th InternationalConference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2010, held in Shanghai, China, November 2010. The 42 revised full papers together with 3 invited talks presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 114 submissions. The papers address all current issues in formal methods and their applications in software engineering. They are organized in topical sections on theorem proving and decision procedures, web services and workflow, verification, applications of formal methods, probability and concurrency, program...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th InternationalConference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2010, held in Shanghai, China,...
Constitutes the thoroughly refereed conference proceedings of the First International Conference on Runtime Verification, RV 2010, held in St Julians, Malta, in November 2010.
Constitutes the thoroughly refereed conference proceedings of the First International Conference on Runtime Verification, RV 2010, held in St Julians,...