This second volume of the series Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics is the second part of the compendium of reviewed articles presented at the 11th EUROMECH-MECAMAT conference entitled "Mechanics of microstructured solids: cellular materials, fibre reinforced solids and soft tissues," which took place in Torino (Italy) in March 10-14, 2008, at the Museo Regional delle Scienze. This EUROMECH-MECAMAT conference was jointly organized by the Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita di Torino, Italy and the INPL Institute (LEMTA, Nancy-Universite, France). Prof. Franco Pastrone...
This second volume of the series Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics is the second part of the compendium of reviewed articles presen...
Thin shells are three-dimensional structures with a dimension (the thickness) small with respect to the two others.Such thin structures are widely used in automobileandaviation industries, or in civil engineering, because they provide animportantsti?ness, due to theircurvature, with a small weight. Fig. 0.1. Airbus A380 Fig. 0.2. Hemispherical roof (Marseille, France) One ofthechallenges is often to reduce the weight (andconsequently the thickness)oftheshells, preservingtheirsti?ness.So that it is essential to have 1 accuratemodelsforthinandevenverythinshells, andtobeabletocomputethe...
Thin shells are three-dimensional structures with a dimension (the thickness) small with respect to the two others.Such thin structures are widely use...
This work gives a modern, up-to-date account of recent developments in computational multiscale mechanics. Both upscaling and concurrent computing methodologies will be addressed for a range of application areas in computational solid and fluid mechanics: Scale transitions in materials, turbulence in fluid-structure interaction problems, multiscale/multilevel optimization, multiscale poromechanics.
A Dutch-German research group that consists of qualified and well-known researchers in the field has worked for six years on the topic of computational multiscale mechanics. This text...
This work gives a modern, up-to-date account of recent developments in computational multiscale mechanics. Both upscaling and concurrent computing met...
The analysis and simulation of multifield problems have recently become one of the most actual and vivid areas of research. Although the individual subproblems of complex technical and physical phenomena often are understood separately, their interaction and coupling create not only new difficulties but also a complete new level and quality of interacting coupled field problems. Presented by leading experts this book includes recent results in these fields from the International Conference on Multifield Problems, April 8-10, 2002 at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
The analysis and simulation of multifield problems have recently become one of the most actual and vivid areas of research. Although the individual...
This monograph combines the knowledge of both the field of nonlinear dynamics and non-smooth mechanics, presenting a framework for a class of non-smooth mechanical systems using techniques from both fields. The book reviews recent developments, and opens the field to the nonlinear dynamics community. This book addresses researchers and graduate students in engineering and mathematics interested in the modelling, simulation and dynamics of non-smooth systems and nonlinear dynamics.
This monograph combines the knowledge of both the field of nonlinear dynamics and non-smooth mechanics, presenting a framework for a class of non-s...
Numerical simulation models have become indispensable in hydro- and environmental sciences and engineering. This monograph presents a general introduction to numerical simulation in environment water, based on the solution of the equations for groundwater flow and transport processes, for multiphase and multicomponent flow and transport processes in the subsurface as well as for flow and transport processes in surface waters. It displays in detail the state of the art of discretization and stabilization methods (e.g. finite-difference, finite-element, and finite-volume methods), parallel...
Numerical simulation models have become indispensable in hydro- and environmental sciences and engineering. This monograph presents a general intro...
This monograph presents the mechanics of vibration, buckling and bending of elastic structures with inclined members such as x-braced high rise frames and conical shells. More than giving detailed derivations of basic equations, Mechanics of Elastic Structures with Inclined Members is mainly oriented towards practical problem-solving. The book can be used as a textbook for graduate students concentrating on structural mechanics, or as a reference book for engineers and researchers in the fields of engineering mechanics, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and...
This monograph presents the mechanics of vibration, buckling and bending of elastic structures with inclined members such as x-braced high rise fra...
The treatment of uncertainties in the analysis of engineering structures remains one of the premium challenges in modern structural mechanics. It is only in recent years that the developments in stochastic and deterministic computational mechanics began to be synchronized. To foster these developments, novel computational procedures for the uncertainty assessment of large finite element systems are presented in this monograph. The stochastic input is modeled by the so-called Karhunen-Loeve expansion, which is formulated in this context both for scalar and vector stochastic processes as...
The treatment of uncertainties in the analysis of engineering structures remains one of the premium challenges in modern structural mechanics. It i...
Geomechanics is the mechanics of geomaterials, i.e. soils and rocks, and deals with fascinating problems such as settlements, stability of excavations, tunnels and offshore platforms, landslides, earthquakes and liquefaction. This edited book presents recent mathematical and computational tools and models to describe and simulate such problems in geomechanics and geotechnical engineering. It includes a collection of contributions emanating from the three Euroconferences GeoMath ("Mathematical Methods in Geomechanics") that were held between 2000 and 2002 in Innsbruck/Austria and...
Geomechanics is the mechanics of geomaterials, i.e. soils and rocks, and deals with fascinating problems such as settlements, stability of excavati...