The use of indicators as a technique of global governance is increasing rapidly. Major examples include the World Bank's Doing Business Indicators, the World Bank's Good Governance and Rule of Law indicators, the Millennium Development Goals, and the indicators produced by Transparency International. Human rights indicators are being developed in the UN and regional and advocacy organizations. The burgeoning production and use of indicators has not, however, been accompanied by systematic comparative study of, or reflection on, the implications, possibilities, and pitfalls of this practice....
The use of indicators as a technique of global governance is increasing rapidly. Major examples include the World Bank's Doing Business Indicators, th...
In this collection, leading scholars from around the world analyse 'megaregulation': a new intergovernmental economic ordering and form of governance. In the aftermath of the failure of TPP, the collection also looks at the controversies surrounding megaregulation and the future directions complex transnational governance may take.
In this collection, leading scholars from around the world analyse 'megaregulation': a new intergovernmental economic ordering and form of governance....
This book critically analyses existing accounts of the history of the relationship between international law and multinational corporations using four case studies: Firestone in Liberia, the Nuremberg trials, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, and the UNCTC code of conduct.
This book critically analyses existing accounts of the history of the relationship between international law and multinational corporations using four...