Thymic epithelial tumors are rare and mostly malignant human neoplasms charac terized by a fascinating variety of morphological features and an unrivaled frequency of associated autoimmune diseases. As a consequence, a myriad of complex diagnostic and clinical problems ensues in patients with these tumors. Since only a few specialists in each country are familiar with these problems, this volume intends to summarize the state of the art of thymic epithelial tumor pathology and biology and treatment protocols. The vol ume is also designed to promote the interaction between scientists from a...
Thymic epithelial tumors are rare and mostly malignant human neoplasms charac terized by a fascinating variety of morphological features and an unriva...
Microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits (MMICs) are of increasing im portance in modern military and commercial wireless communication systems. Current trends are towards low-cost, high-density, multilevel, and multifunctional integration, cover ingmillimeterand submillimeterwave regions.The integrationofdiverse subfunctions, such as light-wave devices, superconductor circuits, digital circuits and ferrite devices, together with conventional microwave or millimeter-wave devices, circuits and antennas, will allow implementation of large systems on a single chip. Research on advanced...
Microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits (MMICs) are of increasing im portance in modern military and commercial wireless communication syste...
Arbeitshypothesen sind revidierbar, deklarierten Wahrheiten nicht, sie verkalken zum System; Arbeitshypothesen passen sich den Menschen an, den deklarierten Wahrheiten wird der Mensch angepajJt; die ersten kann mann verwerfen, von den anderen wird man verworfen. FRIEDRICH DORRBNMATI, Nachgedanken Working hypotheses can be revised, ' declared truths cannot-they calcify into dogma. Working hypotheses adapt to people-people adapt to declared truths. One can reject the first but be rejected by the latter. The concept of electron crystallography, i.e., the quantitative use of electron diffraction...
Arbeitshypothesen sind revidierbar, deklarierten Wahrheiten nicht, sie verkalken zum System; Arbeitshypothesen passen sich den Menschen an, den deklar...
The motivation and inspiration for this book come directly from expe- ences with clients during the years that I practiced HIV-related law at the Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. The issues discussed in this work reflect issues that arose on a recurring basis with clients participating in HIV research studies, with investigators calling for guidance on the legal implications of particular aspects of their proposed studies, and with research institutions and health care facilities struggling to make sense of legal maneuvers aimed at obtaining the records of their HIV-infected patients. It...
The motivation and inspiration for this book come directly from expe- ences with clients during the years that I practiced HIV-related law at the Lega...
This book is a collection of original research papers given at a symposium entitled "Sensory Systems and Behavior of Aquatic Mammals," hosted by the USSR Academy of Sciences. The meeting was held in Moscow from 16 to 25 October, 1991 and involved nearly 100 scientists from around the world. The major headings of the book correspond to the session topics at the symposium. This meeting was not the first dedicated to problems of sensory systems in aquatic mammals. Experts in this field met several times previously to discuss important problems of sensory functions in echolocating animals....
This book is a collection of original research papers given at a symposium entitled "Sensory Systems and Behavior of Aquatic Mammals," hosted by the U...
Our society's preoccupation with crime and fear of crime appears to have shifted its focus to the juvenile offender. Both electronic and print media continuously warn us that juvenile offenders are increasingly younger and more virulent. The demographics of our population suggest that there will only be more juvenile offenders to fear in the near future. All of these concerns arise in a social climate that is characterized by an ever increasing demand for stronger retributive measures against the offender. The belief that only harsh justice will protect us from the ravages of juveniles has...
Our society's preoccupation with crime and fear of crime appears to have shifted its focus to the juvenile offender. Both electronic and print media c...
This volume includes papers presented at the Fifth Annual Computational Neurosci ence meeting (CNS*96) held in Boston, Massachusetts, July 14 - 17, 1996. This collection includes 148 of the 234 papers presented at the meeting. Acceptance for mceting presenta tion was based on the peer review of preliminary papers originally submitted in May of 1996. The papers in this volume represent final versions of this work submitted in January of 1997. As represented by this volume, computational neuroscience continues to expand in quality, size and breadth of focus as increasing numbers of...
This volume includes papers presented at the Fifth Annual Computational Neurosci ence meeting (CNS*96) held in Boston, Massachusetts, July 14 - 17, 19...
This volume represents the proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the International Society of Ocular Toxicology (ISOT), which was held at the Grove Park Inn and Resort in Asheville, North Carolina, October 13-17, 1996. We are delighted to present this volume to the ophthalmic community, especially those with a significant interest in ocular toxicol ogy. The Fifth Congress was developed around themes relating to ocular drug metabolism, the ocular pathophysiological effects of nitric oxide, government issues relating to the use of alternative methods for toxicity testing, and a workshop that...
This volume represents the proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the International Society of Ocular Toxicology (ISOT), which was held at the Grove Par...
The symposium on Acoustical Signal Processing in the Central Auditory System which was held in Prague on September 4--7, 1996 was the third in a series organized in Prague, after the Neuronal Mechanisms of Hearing symposium in 1980 and Auditory Pathway - Structure and Function symposium in 1987. Approximately 100 scientists regis- tered for the symposium and presented 82 separate papers and posters. The present vol- ume contains 53 of these contributions, mostly presented at the symposium as invited review papers. Several essential changes occurred since the previous meeting in 1987. In...
The symposium on Acoustical Signal Processing in the Central Auditory System which was held in Prague on September 4--7, 1996 was the third in a serie...
Contains papers from the November 1995 meeting, on the main themes of the role of atmospheric models in air pollution policy and abatement strategies, integrated regional modeling, global and long-range transport, new developments, accidental releases, and model assessment and verification. Topics i
Contains papers from the November 1995 meeting, on the main themes of the role of atmospheric models in air pollution policy and abatement strategies,...