The present volume III/40C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data, Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for Hydrogen-1, Heterocycles appears as a supplement volume to Landolt-Bornstein's New Series Group III, Volume 35, Subvolume C, Part 2 and provides NMR data published in the years 2000 2003. Included in this volume are all kinds of heterocycles. The complete volume, including links to the original citations, is also available online: you can navigate through the electronic version of this volume starting from the SpringerMaterials The Landolt-Bornstein Database website...
The present volume III/40C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data, Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for Hydrogen-1, Heterocycles appears as a supplemen...
The present volume III/48 is a supplement to the earlier volumes III/20, III/31 and III/39 of nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy (NQRS) data of condensed substances. Compilation of the original data in the form of numeric database is continuing and the present supplement covers a period from August, 1995 to the end of 2006. There are 2,535 entries in this supplement and, therefore, the four volumes together provide about 14,400 data which have been published since the discovery of NQRS in 1951 until the end of 2006. Due to the large amount of data the present supplement is published in...
The present volume III/48 is a supplement to the earlier volumes III/20, III/31 and III/39 of nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy (NQRS) data of...
Volume I/19B (consisting of 3 subvolumes covering different ranges of Z) contains the compilation of parameters of nuclear bound states excited in reactions with charged particles. High-quality information on excited bound states situated above the low-lying levels but below the states seen as resonances is essential for the understanding of general properties of nuclei, and is important for many applications. Includes CD-ROM with additional information.
Volume I/19B (consisting of 3 subvolumes covering different ranges of Z) contains the compilation of parameters of nuclear bound states excited in ...
This volume features up-to-date information on the geometric parameters of free inorganic and organic polyatomic molecules. Coverage takes into account all experimental methods for the determination of quantitative structural data of free molecules. The data obtained by these methods have been critically evaluated and compiled. They are presented separately for each molecule, together with a computer-drawn schematic figure of the structure.
This volume features up-to-date information on the geometric parameters of free inorganic and organic polyatomic molecules. Coverage takes into acc...
This volume features up-to-date information on the geometric parameters of free inorganic and organic polyatomic molecules. Coverage takes into account all experimental methods for the determination of quantitative structural data of free molecules. The data obtained by these methods have been critically evaluated and compiled. They are presented separately for each molecule, together with a computer-drawn schematic figure of the structure.
This volume features up-to-date information on the geometric parameters of free inorganic and organic polyatomic molecules. Coverage takes into acc...
The present volume in the New Series of Landolt-Bornstein provides critically evaluated data on phase diagrams, crystallographic and thermodynamic data of ternary alloy systems. Reliable phase diagrams provide materials scientists and engineers with basic information important for fundamental research, development and optimization of materials.
The often conflicting literature data have been critically evaluated by Materials Science International Team, MSIT(r), a team working together since many years, and with expertise in a broad range of methods, materials and applications. All...
The present volume in the New Series of Landolt-Bornstein provides critically evaluated data on phase diagrams, crystallographic and thermodynamic ...
Volume I/19B (consisting of 3 subvolumes covering different ranges of Z) compiles parameters of nuclear bound states excited in reactions with charged particles. High-quality information on excited bound states situated above the low-lying levels but below the states seen as resonances is essential for the understanding of general properties of nuclei and is important for many applications. The compilation was prepared by two eminent experts in the fields.
Volume I/19B (consisting of 3 subvolumes covering different ranges of Z) compiles parameters of nuclear bound states excited in reactions with char...
The present volume in the New Series of Landolt-Bornstein provides critically evaluated data on phase diagrams, and crystallographic and thermodynamic data of ternary alloy systems. The data for each ternary system are provided in a standard format with text, tables and diagrams. The volume is a standard reference book with selected and easily retrievable data from the fields of physics and chemistry collected by acknowledged international scientists.
The present volume in the New Series of Landolt-Bornstein provides critically evaluated data on phase diagrams, and crystallographic and thermodyna...
The present volume in the New Series of Landolt-Bornstein provides critically evaluated data on phase diagrams, crystallographic and thermodynamic data of ternary alloy systems. The often conflicting literature data have been critically evaluated by Materials Science International Team, MSIT(R), a team working together for many years, and with expertise in a broad range of methods, materials and applications.
The present volume in the New Series of Landolt-Bornstein provides critically evaluated data on phase diagrams, crystallographic and thermodynamic ...