A thorough exegetical and homiletical analysis of each passage of Exodus
The true fountainhead of Old Testament theology, Exodus illuminates the significance of the name Yahweh and introduces the title I AM. It tells of Israel's formative historical event, the exodus, as well as the making of the covenant at Sinai. It includes the first code of the Law in the Decalogue and Book of the Covenant. It details Israel's besetting sin in the idolatry of the golden calf episode, but it also describes Moses's intercession and the great revelation of God's...
A thorough exegetical and homiletical analysis of each passage of Exodus
The true fountainhead of Old Testament theology, Ex...
The second installment of Dr. Allen Ross's acclaimed three-volume commentary
For thousands of years, Psalms has been one of the richest resources for worship and development of the spiritual life. At the same time it is one of the more complex and challenging sections of the Bible for expositors and students. Pastors, teachers, and all serious students of the Bible will find this commentary invaluable for developing an understanding of Psalms and for improving the ability to expound it with precision and depth This is volume two of a three-volume commentary on...
The second installment of Dr. Allen Ross's acclaimed three-volume commentary
For thousands of years, Psalms has been one of ...
A thorough exegetical and homiletical analysis of each passage of Judges and Ruth
This masterly commentary sheds exegetical and theological light on the books of Judges and Ruth for contemporary preachers and students of Scripture. Listening closely to the text while interacting with the best of scholarship, Chisholm shows what the text meant for ancient Israel and what it means for us today. In addition to its perceptive comments on the biblical text, it examines a host of themes such as covenants and the sovereignty of God in Judges, and providence, redemption,...
A thorough exegetical and homiletical analysis of each passage of Judges and Ruth
Final volume in acclaimed Psalms commentary by Allen P. Ross
For thousands of years, Psalms has been one of the richest resources for worship and development of the spiritual life. Pastors, teachers, and all serious students of the Bible will find this commentary invaluable for developing an understanding of Psalms and for improving one's ability to exposit it with precision and depth. This is the third of a three-volume commentary on Psalms.
The commentary includes discussion throughout of the three primary challenges to understanding Psalms:
Final volume in acclaimed Psalms commentary by Allen P. Ross
For thousands of years, Psalms has been one of the richest reso...
A thorough exegetical analysis of each passage of 1 and 2 Chronicles
The trauma of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, the exile of thousands of Judea's citizens, and the subsequent return after seventy years to the homeland with the difficult task of starting the new covenant community virtually from scratch-- all contributed to a reassessment of Israel's meaning and destiny. The chronicler-theologian thus composed his work not just as a history of his people from their ancient beginnings but as an interpreted history, one designed to offer hope to the beleaguered community...
A thorough exegetical analysis of each passage of 1 and 2 Chronicles
The trauma of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, the exile of ...