The first title in Sylvia Nobel's popular mystery series that features spirited, flame-haired reporter Kendall O'Dell. The author's trademark style is to produce exciting, well-written, edge-of-your-seat, adventures with "knock your socks off" surprise endings. Her judicious use of language and lack of graphic sex and violence make her novels suitable from teens to seniors.Coming soon: Self-titled film "Deadly Sanctuary," produced by Starfire Productions and Nite Owl Books, will be released in Spring, 2015 "
The first title in Sylvia Nobel's popular mystery series that features spirited, flame-haired reporter Kendall O'Dell. The author's trademark style is...
Presents a mystery series featuring feisty journalist, Kendall O'Dell. Based on actual events, this story picks up two weeks after the end of Deadly Sanctuary and the reader tags along with Kendall to investigate a mysterious death in an isolated mining town hidden away in the hills of southern Arizona.
Presents a mystery series featuring feisty journalist, Kendall O'Dell. Based on actual events, this story picks up two weeks after the end of Deadly S...
Based on actual newspaper articles, this series plunges reporter, Kendall O'Dell into the centre of the volatile and controversial issues surrounding ranchers and illegal immigrant crossings at the US/Mexican border.
Based on actual newspaper articles, this series plunges reporter, Kendall O'Dell into the centre of the volatile and controversial issues surrounding ...