Just suppose, for a moment, that all rings of integers in algebraic number fields were unique factorization domains, then it would be fairly easy to produce a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, fitting, say, in the margin of this page. Unfortunately however, rings of integers are not that nice in general, so that, for centuries, math- ematicians had to search for alternative proofs, a quest which culminated finally in Wiles' marvelous results - but this is history. The fact remains that modern algebraic number theory really started off with in- vestigating the problem which rings of integers...
Just suppose, for a moment, that all rings of integers in algebraic number fields were unique factorization domains, then it would be fairly easy to p...
This is the first self-contained summary of non-Noetherian orders in a simple Artinian ring, a subject in which much progress has been made in the last decade. The contents of the book are mainly Dubrovin valuation rings and semi-hereditary orders, including Prufer and semi-local Bezout orders, which are considered, in a sense, as global theories of Dubrovin valuation rings. These are then developed further, and applied to give some examples such as Dubrovin valuation rings in crossed product algebras, semi-hereditary maximal order in certain matrix rings, and the idealizers of...
This is the first self-contained summary of non-Noetherian orders in a simple Artinian ring, a subject in which much progress has been made in the las...