Under what conditions does the internal cohesiveness of the European Union determine its external effectiveness on the world stage? This book asks this question, investigating the frequent political assumption that the more cohesive the EU presents itself to the world, the more effective it is in achieving its goals. Contributions to this book explore this theory from a range of perspectives, from trade to foreign policy, and highlight complex patterns between internal cohesiveness and external effectiveness. These are simplified into three possible configurations: internal cohesiveness...
Under what conditions does the internal cohesiveness of the European Union determine its external effectiveness on the world stage? This book asks ...
Whereas 'democracy' assumes a single demos or people, 'demoi-cracy' refers to democratic government and governance in a polity constituted by separate peoples. Since the European Union consists of many demoi with different collective identities, largely separate public spheres, and a predominantly national political infrastructure, demoi-cracy is an appropriate standard for the analysis and evaluation of democracy in the EU. In its vertical dimension, demoi-cracy is based on the equality and interaction of citizens' and statespeoples' representatives in...
Whereas 'democracy' assumes a single demos or people, 'demoi-cracy' refers to democratic government and governance in a polity consti...
The European Union is often depicted as a dominant global regulator. The purpose of this volume is to move beyond establishing that the EU influences global regulation to being to identify under what conditions it exerts that influence. Toward that end, it focuses on the EU's active efforts, both bilateral and multilateral, to shape regulations beyond its borders. The empirical chapters in this volume are explicitly comparative, among foreign partners, across international contexts, over time, and across issues. The more conceptual contributions posit an explanation for the EU's choice of...
The European Union is often depicted as a dominant global regulator. The purpose of this volume is to move beyond establishing that the EU influenc...
Through the last couple of decades, scholars on both sides of the Atlantic have increasingly emphasized the importance of political ideas in understanding processes of change and stability in politics and public policy. Yet, surprisingly, relatively little has been done to more clearly and stringently conceptualize the relationship between political power and the role of ideas in public policy and political development. This volume addresses this major lacuna in the policy and political studies literature by bringing some of best scholars in the field, who each write about the relationship...
Through the last couple of decades, scholars on both sides of the Atlantic have increasingly emphasized the importance of political ideas in unders...
As the demand and necessity for greater international and transnational cooperation increase, the bureaucratic bodies of international organizations are receiving ever more scholarly attention. However, the relevance of International Public Administrations (IPAs) for global policy-making remains neither empirically nor theoretically well understood, and yet little systematic knowledge is available about the influence international bureaucracies may have on policy-making. What makes international bureaucracies influential? Are the sources of their influence on policy-making comparable to...
As the demand and necessity for greater international and transnational cooperation increase, the bureaucratic bodies of international organization...
Discussing what we may learn from thinking about the EU in federal terms represents a two-fold challenge. It is on the one hand a matter of establishing 'how federal' the EU is (the EU's federal challenge). On the other, the EU has federal features but is not a state, thus raising the question of whether federal theory and practice may have to be adapted to take proper account of the EU (the EU's challenge to federalism). The contributions to this collection supplement and extend existing scholarship through focusing on two important lines of inquiry. The first focuses on the relationship...
Discussing what we may learn from thinking about the EU in federal terms represents a two-fold challenge. It is on the one hand a matter of establi...