The seventh Jerusalem Symposium has tried to penetrate into a field of research towards which the efforts of a large number of the most variegated modern techniques are conversing: molecular and quantum pharmacology. The hope to elucidate the mode of action of drugs, to establish correlations between the electronic and con formational structures of drugs and their mode of action and level of activity, to derive from these data the nature of the cellular receptors and an understanding of the interaction of the drugs with those receptors - is a strong stimulus to enlarge and deepen the research...
The seventh Jerusalem Symposium has tried to penetrate into a field of research towards which the efforts of a large number of the most variegated mod...
The holding of the 8th Jerusalem Symposium was saddened by the sudden death of Professor Ernst D. Bergmann at the very eve of this meeting. With him disappeared one of the leading world scientists in the field of physical chemistry and biochemistry. His innumerable friends and admirers over the whole world mourn him profoundly. All those who knew him personally and among them the participants in the previous Jerusalem Symposia will remember for ever the exceptional qualities of the scientist and the unusual human warmth of the man. With Ernst D. Bergmann the state of Israel lost one of the...
The holding of the 8th Jerusalem Symposium was saddened by the sudden death of Professor Ernst D. Bergmann at the very eve of this meeting. With him d...
The Twenty Fourth Jerusalem Symposium reflected the high standards of these distinguished scientific meetings, which convene once a year at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Jerusalem to discuss a specific topic in the broad area of quantum chemistry and biochemistry. The topic at this year's Jerusalem Symposium was mode selective chemistry, which constitutes a truly interdisciplinary subject of central interest in the areas of chemical physics, photochemistry and photobiology. The main theme of the Symposium was built around the exploration of the possibility and conditions...
The Twenty Fourth Jerusalem Symposium reflected the high standards of these distinguished scientific meetings, which convene once a year at the Israel...
The Symposium on "Transport through Membranes : Carriers. Channels and Pumps" Inaugurates the third decade of the Jerusalem Symposia. It enlarges substantially their conceptual scope by Introducing a new subject not treated there previously. In fact. It Is a topic particularly well suited for the general object of these International meetings which Is to reassemble In an exhaustive Interdisciplinary discussion chemists. physicists and biologists. theoreticians and experimentalists. The main theme of the Symposium was the presentation and evaluation of the most up-to-date data on the...
The Symposium on "Transport through Membranes : Carriers. Channels and Pumps" Inaugurates the third decade of the Jerusalem Symposia. It enlarges subs...
The Twentieth Jerusalem Symposium reflected the high standards of these distinguished scientific meetings which convene once a year at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Jerusalem to discuss a specific topic in the broad area of quantum chemistry and biochemistry. The Twentieth Jerusalem Symposium marked an auspicious occasion. commemorating two decades of this scientific endeavour. The topic at this year's Jerusalem Symposium was Large Finite Systems which constitutes a truly interdisciplinary subject of central interest in the broad areas of chemistry. physics. astrophysics...
The Twentieth Jerusalem Symposium reflected the high standards of these distinguished scientific meetings which convene once a year at the Israel Acad...
In 1980. a distinguished group of scientists gathered In Washington. D. C. for an International Symposium on Aging and Cancer. Among the recommendations of this Symposium was to convene a future meeting to discuss the molecular basis for Interrelationships between aging and cancer when the appropriate scientific knowledge was available. That same year. the 13th Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry entitled .Carcl nogenesls: Fundamental Mechanisms and Environmental Effects.. was held. attended by some 50 International authorities In this field. At this meeting. It became...
In 1980. a distinguished group of scientists gathered In Washington. D. C. for an International Symposium on Aging and Cancer. Among the recommendatio...
One of the central problems in the study of the mechanism of DNA-ligand interactions is the existence and nature of sequence specificity with respect to the base pairs of DNA. The presence of such a specificity could be of particular significance because it might possibly mean the involvement of specific genes in the effectiveness of the different drugs. The elucidation of the factors responsible for the specificity could then be important for the development of compounds susceptible to contribute to the control of gene expression and also to the development of rationally conceived, improved...
One of the central problems in the study of the mechanism of DNA-ligand interactions is the existence and nature of sequence specificity with respect ...