This book gathers the proceedings of a symposium on Dynamics of satellites which took place in Prague in May 1969 during the twelfth COSPAR meeting. This symposium was sponsored by the International Astronomical Union, the International Association of Geodesy, the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and COSPAR (Committee on Space Research). The organizing committee was composed of Dr. KOVALEVSKY chair man, Dr. Yu. V. BATRAKOV representing IAU, Dr. A. H. COOK for lAG, Dr. D. KING-HELE for COSPAR, Prof. M. Roy for IUTAM and Dr. ROSENBERG. I wish to take advantage of the...
This book gathers the proceedings of a symposium on Dynamics of satellites which took place in Prague in May 1969 during the twelfth COSPAR meeting. T...
Auf einer Sitzung des: Biiros der Internationalen Union fiir Theore- tische und Angewandte Mechanik (IUTAM) in: Briissel am 21. Septem- ber 1953 wurde beschlossen, ein Kolloquium iiber Festkorpermechanik (vorlaufiger Titel) fiir die letzte Septemberwoche 1955 zu pla.nen, und zwa.r in Madrid, entsprechend einer EinIadung, welche die Vertreter der zugehorigen spanischen Organisation Instituto Naciona.l de Tecnica Aeronautica "Esteban Terradas" (INTA), die Herren A. NUNEz und A. PEREZ-MARiN personIich iiberbrachten. Das vom: Biiro der IUTAM hierfiir eingesetzte Wissenschaftliche Komitee bestand...
Auf einer Sitzung des: Biiros der Internationalen Union fiir Theore- tische und Angewandte Mechanik (IUTAM) in: Briissel am 21. Septem- ber 1953 wurde...
Requirements on high efficiency of rotating machinery forces engineers to deal with problems of self-induced vi- brations and balancing of rotors in a serious and scientific manner. The last decade has shown a leap towards the solution of advanced problems of this kind as indicated by the large amount of scientific and engineering papers on rotor dynamics published in international journals. In appreciation of this situation the General Assembly of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mecha- nics (IUTAM) at its meeting in Moscow in 1972, acting on a proposal by the Danish...
Requirements on high efficiency of rotating machinery forces engineers to deal with problems of self-induced vi- brations and balancing of rotors in a...
The Thirteenth International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics was held in Moscow from Monday, 21 August, to Saturday, 26 August 1972. About 2500 participants from 37 countries all over the world attended the congress that was convened by the Congress Committee of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. The local or ganization lay in the hands of the Organizing Committee, established by the USSR National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. The USSR Academy of Sciences rendered partial financial help to the organization of th8 congress. The...
The Thirteenth International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics was held in Moscow from Monday, 21 August, to Saturday, 26 August 1972. Abo...
A IUTAM symposium on "Measuring Techniques in Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flows" was held on July 5-8, 1983 in Nancy, France. This topic in cluded instrumentation for steam-water and liquid-vapor flows but strictly excluded measuring techniques for gas or liquid flows with solid particles. The top priority in the paper selection was given to presentations of new methods which had been substantiated by theoretical modeling, calibration tests and comparison tests with other techniques. Examples of experimental resul ts obtained with the proposed instrumentation had to be displayed. However the...
A IUTAM symposium on "Measuring Techniques in Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flows" was held on July 5-8, 1983 in Nancy, France. This topic in cluded instrument...
Separated flows and jets are closely linked in a variety of applications. They are of great importance in various fields of fluid mechanics including vehicle efficiency, technical branches concerned with gas/liquid flows, atmospheric effects on various constructions, etc. Knowledge of the physics of separated flows and jets and the development of reliable control techniques are prerequisite for future progress in the field. These aspects were in focus during the IUTAM-Symposium which was held in Novosibirsk, 9-13 July, 1990. This volume contains a selection of papers presenting recent results...
Separated flows and jets are closely linked in a variety of applications. They are of great importance in various fields of fluid mechanics including ...
This volume contains the Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Applied Mechanics, held at Stanford University on August 26 to 31, 1968. The Congress was organized by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; members of the IUTAM Congress Committee and Bureau are listed under Congress Organization. The members of the Stanford Organizing Committee, which was responsible for the detailed organization of the Congress, are also given, as are the names of the sponsors and the industrial and educational organizations that contributed so generously to the financial...
This volume contains the Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Applied Mechanics, held at Stanford University on August 26 to 31, 1968....
The Colloquium on Creep in Structures was organized as part of the activities of the International Union on Theoretical and Applied Mecha nies. It was supported financiaHy by IUTAM, as weH as by the National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C., U. S. A. The Scientific Commit tee charged with the work of organization consisted of the foHowing persons: NICHOLAS J. HOFF, Stanford University, Stanford, California, Chair man FOLKE K. G. ODQVIST, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Vice-Chairman R. MAZET, Office National d'Etudes et de Recherehes Aeronautiques,...
The Colloquium on Creep in Structures was organized as part of the activities of the International Union on Theoretical and Applied Mecha nies. It was...
According to a proposal made in 1974 by the Gesell- schaft fUr Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) the General Assembly of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) decided in 1975 to sponsor an international symposium on "Dynamics of Multibody Systems". A Scientific Committee has been appointed consisting of J.D.C. Crisp, Australia, T.R. Kane, USA, D.M. Klimov, USSR, A.D. De Pater, Netherlands, K. Magnus, Germany (chairman). This committee selected the participants to be invited and the papers to be presented at the symposium. As a result of this process 82...
According to a proposal made in 1974 by the Gesell- schaft fUr Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) the General Assembly of the International Uni...
Although the subject of wave propagation in solids has a long history, the classical theory of elastic waves having been developed in the nine teenth century by STOKES, POISSON, RAYLEIGH and KELVIN, the last two decades have seen a remarkable revival of interest in this subject among both theoreticians and experimenters. There' are a number of reasons for this; first, experimental methods for the generation and detection of high frequency mechanical waves have become available only with the advent of electronic techniques and of high speed photo graphic recording apparatus. Secondly, the...
Although the subject of wave propagation in solids has a long history, the classical theory of elastic waves having been developed in the nine teenth ...