Highlighting the interplay between basic research and intervention, this volume focuses on common stressful life experiences that present significant challenges to children's healthy development. Fifteen stressors are discussed with regard to both short-and long-term effects. The authors identify factors that explain variability in children's adjustment to these stressors and evaluate preventive interventions designed to facilitate coping. Notable chapters include a discussion of the many uncontrollable stressors to which inner-city youth are exposed and a thorough treatment of children's...
Highlighting the interplay between basic research and intervention, this volume focuses on common stressful life experiences that present significant ...
These proceedings of an international symposium held in Buffalo, New York, October 1993, include chapters from platform presentations, poster sessions, and from invited special lectures in the areas of basic science, clinical applications, and efficacy of treatment. The volume is divided into sectio
These proceedings of an international symposium held in Buffalo, New York, October 1993, include chapters from platform presentations, poster sessions...
Since its emergence during the 1960s, school consultation has become an important vehicle for delivering psychological and educational services. Cooperative efforts between skilled consultants and teachers, rooted in the principles of problem solving, social influence, and professional development, enhance student learning and adjustment while encouraging consultees to be more effective and proactive in their practice.
The Third Edition of School Consultation: Conceptual and Empirical Bases of Practice shows in expert detail how this relationship works by...
Since its emergence during the 1960s, school consultation has become an important vehicle for delivering psychological and educational services. Co...
Today, individuals have greater access to information about their healththaneverbefore(Randeree,2009;Eysenbach,2008).Muchofthis changeisdue, inlargepart, toadvancesinbiotechnologyandtheseque- ing of the human genome (Manolio & Collins, 2009). It is now possible, forexample, forindividualstologontotheInternetand, forafeeofs- eral hundred dollars, order an at-home DNA collection kit and have the resultsofamyriadofgenetictestsdelivereddirectlytotheire-mailinbox (Gurwitz&Bregman-Eschet,2009).Insomecases, thesetestresultsmay indicatepersonalriskforcommonchronicdiseases, suchascertainforms...
Today, individuals have greater access to information about their healththaneverbefore(Randeree,2009;Eysenbach,2008).Muchofthis changeisdue, inlargepa...
In response to the growing concern for the psychological impact of disasters on children, this book integrates a diverse body of literature-including theory, case studies and other research, and assessment and intervention techniques-contributed by many of the fields most experienced professionals. Child and school psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, mental health administrators, and pediatricians will all appreciate the work's unique focus on the reaction of children to extreme stress.
In response to the growing concern for the psychological impact of disasters on children, this book integrates a diverse body of literature-including ...
Highlighting the interplay between basic research and intervention, this volume focuses on common stressful life experiences that present significant challenges to children's healthy development. Fifteen stressors are discussed with regard to both short-and long-term effects. The authors identify factors that explain variability in children's adjustment to these stressors and evaluate preventive interventions designed to facilitate coping. Notable chapters include a discussion of the many uncontrollable stressors to which inner-city youth are exposed and a thorough treatment of children's...
Highlighting the interplay between basic research and intervention, this volume focuses on common stressful life experiences that present significant ...
Child abuse and neglect (CAN) came to the forefront in the 1960s. At first, theories were spun, usually dealing with the intrapsychic reasons why a parent might en- gage in such terrible behavior. The 1970s brought theory that tended to deal in- creasingly with sociocultural and ecological explanations forCAN.Itwas not until the 1980s and 1990s, however, thattreatment strategies, research, and legal issues emerged. This book represents a state-of-the-art compilation from the leading figures of today's work in theory, research, and treatment. In addition, this volume presents treatises on...
Child abuse and neglect (CAN) came to the forefront in the 1960s. At first, theories were spun, usually dealing with the intrapsychic reasons why a pa...
With its origins and conceptual underpinnings in the applied behavior analysis arm of psychology, positive behavior support (PBS) emerged during the 1980s as a comprehensive approach to addressing the need for community support for persons with disabilities who engage in challenging behavior. As a field of endeavor, PBS has experienced phenomenal growth over a span of 25 years and is now an integral component of public education in many schools in practically every state in the United States. As an applied science of human behavior, PBS brings together the precision of a careful,...
With its origins and conceptual underpinnings in the applied behavior analysis arm of psychology, positive behavior support (PBS) emerged during th...
It used to be called noncompliance, and the patients themselves referred to as difficult. But regardless of the terminology, children s reluctance or failure to commit to prescribed regimens reduces the effectiveness of treatment, often leading to additional care, higher costs, and serious, even deadly, complications.
Reflecting a single, authoritative voice, the Second Edition of Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens analyzes in comprehensive clinical detail the factors that affect children s and teens commitment to treatment from developmental...
It used to be called noncompliance, and the patients themselves referred to as difficult. But regardless of the terminology, chil...
Over the past two decades, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) emerged as a leading-edge method for helping parents improve their children's disruptive and oppositional behavior. Today, PCIT has a robust evidence base; is used across the country in settings as diverse as hospitals, mental health centers, schools, and mobile clinics; and is rapidly gaining popularity in other parts of the world. In keeping with this increasing recognition of PCIT's effectiveness, the authors of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy present this expanded clinical edition to keep readers up to date on new...
Over the past two decades, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) emerged as a leading-edge method for helping parents improve their children's disru...