The last two subjects mentioned in the title "Wavelets, Time Frequency Methods and Phase Space" are so well established that they do not need any explanations. The first is related to them, but a short introduction is appropriate since the concept of wavelets emerged fairly recently. Roughly speaking, a wavelet decomposition is an expansion of an arbitrary function into smooth localized contributions labeled by a scale and a position pa rameter. Many of the ideas and techniques related to such expansions have existed for a long time and are widely used in mathematical analysis, theoretical...
The last two subjects mentioned in the title "Wavelets, Time Frequency Methods and Phase Space" are so well established that they do not need any expl...
This volume contains the Proceedings of a meeting held at Montpellier from November 27th to December 1st 1989 and entitled "Inverse Problems Multicen tennials Meeting." It was held in honor of two major centennials: the foundation of Montpellier University in 1289 and the French Revolution of 1789. The meet ing was one of a series of annual meetings on interdisciplinary aspects of inverse problems organized in Montpellier since 1972 and known as "RCP 264." The meeting was sponsored by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (con tract GR 264) and by the Direction des Recherches et...
This volume contains the Proceedings of a meeting held at Montpellier from November 27th to December 1st 1989 and entitled "Inverse Problems Multicen ...
The last two subjects mentioned in the title "Wavelets" are so well established that they do not need any explanations. The first is related to them, but a short introduction is appropriate since the concept of wavelets emerged fairly recently. Roughly speaking, a wavelet decomposition is an expansion of an arbitrary function into smooth localized contributions labeled by a scale and a position pa rameter. Many of the ideas and techniques related to such expansions have existed for a long time and are widely used in mathematical analysis, theoretical physics and engineering. However, the rate...
The last two subjects mentioned in the title "Wavelets" are so well established that they do not need any explanations. The first is related to them, ...