Operations Research Management Science approaches have helped people for the last 40 years to understand the complex functioning of the systems based upon natural resources, as well as to manage natural resources in the most efficient manner. The areas usually viewed within the natural resources field are: agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and mining and water resources. All of these areas share the common problem of optimally allocating scarcity over a period of time. The scale of time or length of the planning horizon differs from one area to another. We have almost a continuous renewal...
Operations Research Management Science approaches have helped people for the last 40 years to understand the complex functioning of the systems bas...
One of the primary purposes of any model is to build intuition and generate insights. Typically, a model is developed to be able to better understand phenomena that are otherwise difficult to comprehend. Models can also help in verifying the correctness of an intuition or judgment. In spite of the fact that many educators and practitioners recognize the intuition-building power of simple models, this is the first book in the field that uses the power of the basic models and principles to provide students and managers with an "intuitive understanding" of operations management.
One of the primary purposes of any model is to build intuition and generate insights. Typically, a model is developed to be able to better understa...
This third edition of the classic textbook in Optimization has been fully revised and updated. It comprehensively covers modern theoretical insights in this crucial computing area, and will be required reading for analysts and operations researchers in a variety of fields. The book connects the purely analytical character of an optimization problem, and the behavior of algorithms used to solve it. Now, the third edition has been completely updated with recent Optimization Methods. The book also has a new co-author, Yinyu Ye of California's Stanford University, who has written lots of extra...
This third edition of the classic textbook in Optimization has been fully revised and updated. It comprehensively covers modern theoretical insight...
SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS: A Handbook on the Interaction of Information, System, and Optimization is a carefully developed work focused on the analysis of supply chain interaction issues in emerging markets and industry sectors. It is a leading-edge handbook that will emphasize where little work has been done and where the "rubber meets the road" -- the supply chain process, information, and systems integration. These are pertinent issues facing practitioners and researchers in today's business environment.
This is a gap-bridging handbook that analyzes...
SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS: A Handbook on the Interaction of Information, System, and Optimization is a carefully developed work focuse...
Search Theory is one of the original disciplines within the field of Operations Research. It deals with the problem faced by a Searcher who wishes to minimize the time required to find a hidden object, or "target. " The Searcher chooses a path in the "search space" and finds the target when he is sufficiently close to it. Traditionally, the target is assumed to have no motives of its own regarding when it is found; it is simply stationary and hidden according to a known distribution (e. g., oil), or its motion is determined stochastically by known rules (e. g., a fox in a forest). The...
Search Theory is one of the original disciplines within the field of Operations Research. It deals with the problem faced by a Searcher who wishes to ...
In the foreword to Supply Chain Structures, Professor Paul Zipkin notes three global changes that have enabled the recent vast developments in the field of supply chains. Moreover, these changes may be only the beginning and more change is likely in the fast-moving field of supply chain management. These global changes are:
the explosive growth of the Internet;
the growth in free-market economies with the corresponding political interest in global economic stability; and
the emergence of a global managerial culture focused on performance, quality, and...
In the foreword to Supply Chain Structures, Professor Paul Zipkin notes three global changes that have enabled the recent vast developments i...
Learning plays a fundamental role in the production planning and growth of all organizations. With the need for more rapid changes in the global economy, the management of organizational change is a key factor in sustaining competitiveness in today's economy. This book has been developed with these learning needs' in mind. HumanLearning: From Learning Curves to Learning Organizations covers a broad range of learning models and related topics beginning with learning curves to recent research on learning organizations. The book's focus is to enable researchers and...
Learning plays a fundamental role in the production planning and growth of all organizations. With the need for more rapid changes in the global econo...
Queueing network models have been widely applied as a powerful tool for modelling, performance evaluation, and prediction of discrete flow systems, such as computer systems, communication networks, production lines, and manufacturing systems. Queueing network models with finite capacity queues and blocking have been introduced and applied as even more realistic models of systems with finite capacity resources and with population constraints. In recent years, research in this field has grown rapidly. Analysis of Queueing Networks with Blocking introduces queueing network models with...
Queueing network models have been widely applied as a powerful tool for modelling, performance evaluation, and prediction of discrete flow systems, su...
Great advances have been made in recent years in the field of computational probability. In particular, the state of the art - as it relates to queuing systems, stochastic Petri-nets and systems dealing with reliability - has benefited significantly from these advances. The objective of this book is to make these topics accessible to researchers, graduate students, and practitioners. Great care was taken to make the exposition as clear as possible. Every line in the book has been evaluated, and changes have been made whenever it was felt that the initial exposition was not clear enough for...
Great advances have been made in recent years in the field of computational probability. In particular, the state of the art - as it relates to queuin...
Inventory and Supply Chain Management with Forecast Updates is concerned with the problems of inventory and supply chain decision making with information updating over time. The models considered include inventory decisions with multiple sources and delivery modes, supply-contract design and evaluation, contracts with exercise price, volume-flexible contracts allowing for spot-market purchase decisions, and competitive supply chains. Real problems are formulated into tractable mathematical models, which allow for an analysis of various approaches, and provide insights for...
Inventory and Supply Chain Management with Forecast Updates is concerned with the problems of inventory and supply chain decision ...