This book provides a broad, analytical study of Bangladesh's relationship with India and Pakistan between 1975 and 1990. Bangladesh's role in South Asian international relations has tended to be overlooked and underestimated. The book reveals the complexity of the relationship between Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.
This book provides a broad, analytical study of Bangladesh's relationship with India and Pakistan between 1975 and 1990. Bangladesh's role in South As...
Ireland's Celtic Tiger economy has been held up as a model of successful development in a globalized world, offering lessons for other late developing countries. It interrogates the principal theoretical approaches which have been used to analyze the Celtic Tiger, particularly neo-classical economics, and finds them inadequate to capture its ambiguities or address its developmental deficit. Elaborating an alternative approach, drawing particularly on the work of Karl Polanyi, the book offers an interpretation which captures more fully the ways in which the Irish State has made itself...
Ireland's Celtic Tiger economy has been held up as a model of successful development in a globalized world, offering lessons for other late developing...
Political Economy, Power and the Body is carefully organized to provide an introductory section of three chapters which set out a number of detailed theoretical arguments relevant to the work developed in the next two sections. In this sense the collection should be a major contribution in laying the groundwork in the new area. The strength of the volume lies in the way the individual chapters bring theory and practice together. It could be argued that it represents the maturity of feminist work in international political economy now. The book will be a vital teaching as well as research...
Political Economy, Power and the Body is carefully organized to provide an introductory section of three chapters which set out a number of detailed t...
Political Economy, Power and the Body is carefully organized to provide an introductory section of three chapters which set out a number of detailed theoretical arguments relevant to the work developed in the next two sections. In this sense the collection should be a major contribution in laying the groundwork in the new area. The strength of the volume lies in the way the individual chapters bring theory and practice together. It could be argued that it represents the maturity of feminist work in international political economy now. The book will be a vital teaching as well as research...
Political Economy, Power and the Body is carefully organized to provide an introductory section of three chapters which set out a number of detailed t...
What is meant by the concept of civil society? Why do some equate it with liberal democracy, while others think it simply a guise for a market economy? Who benefits from globalization and who loses out? Can civil society prosper in an era of globalization? Can global civil society restrain some of the negative consequences of economic globalization? Through a series of unique case studies and theoretical inquiries, this volume provides a set of concrete answers to questions such as these.
What is meant by the concept of civil society? Why do some equate it with liberal democracy, while others think it simply a guise for a market economy...
In the 1980s South Africa's urban townships exploded into insurrection led by youth and residents' organisations that collectively became known as the civics movement. Ironically the movement has been unable to adapt to the role of a voluntary association in the liberal polity it helped create, and has great difficulty defining any alternative role. This volume charts the rise and fall of the movement in the transition to and consolidation of democracy in South Africa.
In the 1980s South Africa's urban townships exploded into insurrection led by youth and residents' organisations that collectively became known as the...
African countries have experienced modest economic recovery during the 1990s. But these countries are caught in a vicious circle in which the existing economic structure cannot generate enough savings and export earnings needed to finance their development and mount a sustained assault on widespread poverty. Yet foreign aid has been cut back sharply and the continent receives only a trickle of foreign investment flows. New policy regimes are now in place, creating the right environment for external financing to make a major difference. Development finance is one of the foremost challenges...
African countries have experienced modest economic recovery during the 1990s. But these countries are caught in a vicious circle in which the existing...
The policy relevant analysis of this volume examines nearly twenty years of Zimbabwe's macroeconomic and structural adjustment experiences since independence. Part One analyses the impact on economic growth, inflation, employment and labour markets. Part Two deals with financial liberalization, and the financial turmoil and currency crisis experienced in the wake of reforms. Part Three examines trade liberalization and its impact on investment and income distribution. Part Four gives sectoral perspectives on the agricultural, manufacturing and health sectors.
The policy relevant analysis of this volume examines nearly twenty years of Zimbabwe's macroeconomic and structural adjustment experiences since indep...
Women Migrant Workers in China's Economic Reform studies unmarried women migrant workers in China. As international migrants in China's richest province, they work in silk, one of China's oldest and most symbolically-charged industries. Through extensive interviews and a wide-ranging interpretation of the secondary literature, this book brings an interdisciplinary approach to its study of power and identity. Gender, class, and local identities matter in the factories and streets of a one-industry town, and municipal and factory leaders seek to rework these over-shifting forces to build a...
Women Migrant Workers in China's Economic Reform studies unmarried women migrant workers in China. As international migrants in China's richest provin...
This volume critically examines the promise of a global civil society. Exploring issues in cases of diverse social justice movements, the contributors show that a global civil society is still far from emerging and its promotion may even harm the realization of grassroots democracy. The Internet is an exciting new means for activists to communicate internationally, and citizens' movements increasingly co-ordinate campaigns through transnational advocacy networks, but most effective civic action still takes place at national and local levels.
This volume critically examines the promise of a global civil society. Exploring issues in cases of diverse social justice movements, the contributors...