Bill Dunn considers and contests accounts of globalization and post-Fordism that see structural economic change in the late Twentieth-century as having fundamentally worsened the conditions and weakened the potential of labour. Including a comparative survey of restructuring in four major industries; automobiles, construction, microelectronics and finance, the book suggests the timing of change and its complex and contradictory nature undermine structural explanations of labour's situation. It redirects attention towards labour's political defeats and own institutional shortcomings.
Bill Dunn considers and contests accounts of globalization and post-Fordism that see structural economic change in the late Twentieth-century as havin...
Myron J. Frankman provides an interrelated set of initiatives whose components are consistent with the logic of both the process of globalization and the emerging properties of our time: Sustainability, democratization, equal opportunity, diversity and peace. He brings together the case for global public finance, a single world currency and a planet-wide citizen's income, all within the context of democratic federalism extending from the local to the global.
Myron J. Frankman provides an interrelated set of initiatives whose components are consistent with the logic of both the process of globalization and ...
Informed by critical theory, the essays in this collection examine the complex dynamics of globalization, the challenges that confront democracy, justice and rights under globalization, and new approaches that seek to contest the excesses of globalization and promote the struggle for global justice. They form a challenging and timely volume that will be essential reading for anyone interested in the normative dimensions of globalization.
Informed by critical theory, the essays in this collection examine the complex dynamics of globalization, the challenges that confront democracy, just...
This book explores how a wide range of countries attempt to cope with the challenges of globalization. While the internalization of globalization proceeds in significantly different ways, there is a broad process of convergence taking place around the politics of neoliberalism and a more market-oriented version of capitalism. The book examines how distinct social structures, political cultures, patterns of party and interest group politics, classes, public policies, liberal democratic and authoritarian institutions, and the discourses that frame them, are being reshaped by political actors....
This book explores how a wide range of countries attempt to cope with the challenges of globalization. While the internalization of globalization proc...
21st Century Dissent contends that anarchism has considerably influenced the modern political landscape. Curran explores the contemporary face of anarchism as expressed via environmental protests and the anti-globalization movement.
21st Century Dissent contends that anarchism has considerably influenced the modern political landscape. Curran explores the contemporary face of anar...
This edited volume brings together leading scholars to debate the promises of poststructural politics within the study of the International Political Economy (IPE). The volume offers a sustained theoretical dialogue on the meaning of discourse, identity, and representation for practices of political economy.
This edited volume brings together leading scholars to debate the promises of poststructural politics within the study of the International Political ...
Africa represents the next frontier of the transnational politics of democratization. Recent efforts to promote human rights and democracy have yielded a mixed record of success. A comparison of regime change in Kenya and Uganda reveals how principled interventions have unintentional adverse effects on the democratic reform process.
Africa represents the next frontier of the transnational politics of democratization. Recent efforts to promote human rights and democracy have yielde...
Minns argues that the industrial transformations of Mexico, South Korea and Taiwan were based on the existence of powerful developmentalist states in each. It explores the origins of such states and their dynamics and connects the form of autonomy they enjoy within their countries to the policies they pursue.
Minns argues that the industrial transformations of Mexico, South Korea and Taiwan were based on the existence of powerful developmentalist states in ...
China in the Global Political Economy considers one of the most pressing issues of the Twenty-First century: the relationship between domestic configurations of power and globalized production processes in shaping the process and implications of China's re-engagement with the global economy.
China in the Global Political Economy considers one of the most pressing issues of the Twenty-First century: the relationship between domestic configu...
In this in-depth study, Damro explains the creation of a formal cooperative framework for preventing disputes in transatlantic competition policy. The findings suggest that, while regulators remain constrained by domestic institutions, they play an important role in explaining why the cooperative framework is largely a discretionary one.
In this in-depth study, Damro explains the creation of a formal cooperative framework for preventing disputes in transatlantic competition policy. The...