The authors critically evaluate the fair trade movement's role in pursuing a more just and environmentally sustainable society. Using fair trade as a case study of the shift toward non-state forms of governance, they focus on its role not only as a regulatory tool, but as a catalyst for broader social and political transformation.
The authors critically evaluate the fair trade movement's role in pursuing a more just and environmentally sustainable society. Using fair trade as a ...
This book examines the interface between transnational private governance and domestic politics in South America. It explores the social and political factors that condition how global private norms, discourses, and initiatives dealing with sustainability and CSR regulation are engaged with, hybridized, and challenged by local actors in Argentina and Brazil. Inverting the conventional approach to global governance studies, it unpacks the complex forms in which domestic political-cultural elements embed global norms and discourses with meaning and mobilizing power, conditioning their appeal...
This book examines the interface between transnational private governance and domestic politics in South America. It explores the social and politi...
This volume seeks to explore bureaucratic forms of administration in the Third World and alternatives to them. Experts with wide experience in development are assembled to deal with issues of reform, indigenization, and desirable futures.
This volume seeks to explore bureaucratic forms of administration in the Third World and alternatives to them. Experts with wide experience in develop...
Some two decades will shortly have passed since the WTO's Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights agreement came into force in 1995. This volume is the first cross-country analysis of how TRIPS has affected the capacity of 11 major low or medium income countries to produce generic drugs.
Some two decades will shortly have passed since the WTO's Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights agreement came into force in 1995. Thi...
In the advent of important crises of both climate change and energy supply (in)security, questions are being asked about changes in energy governance. Caroline Kuzemko explains how and why change takes place and discusses the convoluted UK energy governance system that has emerged between 2000 and the present day. She applies a complex theoretical approach based on new institutional concepts of policy paradigm change, but which also utilises concepts of (de)politicisation and securitization. UK energy governance, like energy policy elsewhere, is moving from one heavily influenced by...
In the advent of important crises of both climate change and energy supply (in)security, questions are being asked about changes in energy governance....
A norm of special treatment for LDCs, created by the UN, has spread to various international organisations including the WTO. Within the WTO evidence of the institutionalization of the norm can be found both in the agreements and legal documents and the way in which the LDCs have been treated by other states. Helen Hawthorne investigates how norms impact on negotiations in international organisations. She shows that few studies of international organisations focus on the role of the weaker states in the organization, the majority focus either on the major states or the emerging economies. By...
A norm of special treatment for LDCs, created by the UN, has spread to various international organisations including the WTO. Within the WTO evidence ...
Liam Clegg provides an innovative reading of where power lies in the institutions' concessional lending operations, drawing its focus on shareholders and stakeholders from staffs' own understandings of their operational environments.
Liam Clegg provides an innovative reading of where power lies in the institutions' concessional lending operations, drawing its focus on shareholders ...
Since the book was first published, NGOs have continued to rise in prominence, but our concerns have been little redressed. The new Preface and Afterword to this IPE Classic provide an up to date review of the debates on NGOs and the development sector that consolidate on this argument and look briefly at some of the reactions it has received.
Since the book was first published, NGOs have continued to rise in prominence, but our concerns have been little redressed. The new Preface and Afterw...
This IPE Classic investigates the interrelations between women's participation in the urban wage economy and their productive and reproductive roles in the household and family. With a new Preface and Foreword, it argues that the household itself is an important determinant of the character and timing of women's labour force participation.
This IPE Classic investigates the interrelations between women's participation in the urban wage economy and their productive and reproductive roles i...
Globalization involves structural changes in forms of state, society and culture, ecology and political economy and in ethics and expectations. In this IPE Classic, with a new Foreword and Preface, globalization and multilateralism are linked to questions of epistemology, ontology, and strategy.
Globalization involves structural changes in forms of state, society and culture, ecology and political economy and in ethics and expectations. In thi...