Scope and Purpose Although conductors based on the Al5 intermetallic compound Nb Sn 3 possess desirable high-field superconducting properties, manufacturing and handling difficulties, coupled with the tendency of their critical current densities to degrade rapidly under stress, have generally restricted their use to fairly straightforward, usually small-scale solenoidal-magnet applica- tions. Likewise the Al5 compound VGa, which has a wider critical strain 3 window than NbSn but a uniformly lower upper critical field, has not 3 entered widespread service. Strain has been found to have no...
Scope and Purpose Although conductors based on the Al5 intermetallic compound Nb Sn 3 possess desirable high-field superconducting properties, manufac...
The birth of this monograph is partly due to the persistent efforts of the General Editor, Dr. Klaus Timmerhaus, to persuade the authors that they encapsulate their forty or fifty years of struggle with the thermal properties of materials into a book before they either expired or became totally senile. We recognize his wisdom in wanting a monograph which includes the closely linked properties of heat capacity and thermal expansion, to which we have added a little 'cement' in the form of elastic moduli. There seems to be a dearth of practitioners in these areas, particularly among physics...
The birth of this monograph is partly due to the persistent efforts of the General Editor, Dr. Klaus Timmerhaus, to persuade the authors that they enc...
With the increased interest in superconductivity applications through- out the world and the necessity of obtaining a firmer understanding of the basic concepts of superconductivity, the editors of the In- ternational Cryogenics Monograph series are extremely grateful for the opportunity to add Superconducting Materials to this series. This comprehensive review and summary of superconducting ma- terials was originally prepared by the Russian authors in 1969 and has been specifically updated for this series. It is the most thorough review of the literature on this subject that has been made to...
With the increased interest in superconductivity applications through- out the world and the necessity of obtaining a firmer understanding of the basi...
The rapidly expanding use of very low temperatures in research and high technology during the last several decades and the concurrent high degree of activity in cryogenic engineering have mutually supported each other, each improvement in refrigeration technique making possible wider oppor tunities for research and each new scientific discovery creating a need for a refrigerator with special features. In this book, Professor Walker has provided us with an excellent exposition of the achievements of this period, the fundamental principles involved, and a critical examination of the many...
The rapidly expanding use of very low temperatures in research and high technology during the last several decades and the concurrent high degree of a...
This book is meant for laboratory workers who for one reason or another have a need to cool something down to temperatures below that of liquid nitrogen - notably to 4. 2K and below. It does not deal with experimental techniques at low temperatures, but I have tried to bring the reader face to face with the brutishrealities of the necessary hardware. As weIl as giving information about sources of supply of equipment, I have gone into so me detail about how some of it can be made in laboratory workshops for the sake of those who are short of money but blessed with competent technical support....
This book is meant for laboratory workers who for one reason or another have a need to cool something down to temperatures below that of liquid nitrog...
An in-depth survey of regenerative heat exchangers, this book chronicles the development and recent commercialization of regenerative devices for cryogenic applications. Chapters cover historical background, concepts, practical applications, design data, and numerical solutions, providing the latest information for engineers to develop advanced cryogenic machines. The discussions include insights into the operation of a regenerator; descriptions of the cyclic and fluid temperature distributions in a regenerator; data for various matrix geometries and materials, including coarse and...
An in-depth survey of regenerative heat exchangers, this book chronicles the development and recent commercialization of regenerative devices for cr...
In writing this monograph, the aim has been to consider the mechanical properties of the wide range of materials now available in such a way as to start with the fundamental nature of these properties and to follow the discussion through to the point at which the reader is able to comprehend the significance or otherwise of the large amounts of data now available in design manuals and other compilations. In short, it is hoped that this volume will be used as a companion to these data compilations and as an aid to their interpretation. In attempting to cover such a wide field, a large degree...
In writing this monograph, the aim has been to consider the mechanical properties of the wide range of materials now available in such a way as to sta...
I hope this book will be useful to at least two groups of individuals: the nonspecialist reader with a general knowledge of solid-state science and seeking an introduction to the theory and practice of the Hall effect in metals, and the specialist seeking a contemporary review of the relevant literature. The literature has been surveyed thoroughly up to the middle of 1970, while the more accessible journals have been followed to late 1970. I have been selective in cases where there is a great volume of literature, particu- larly in the case of old or obscure measurements of low accuracy, but...
I hope this book will be useful to at least two groups of individuals: the nonspecialist reader with a general knowledge of solid-state science and se...
The purposes of this book are to provide insight and to draw attention to problems peculiar to heat transfer at low temperatures. This does not imply that the theories of classical heat transfer fail at low temperatures, but rather that many of the approximations employed in standard solutions techniques are not valid in this regime. Physical properties, for example, have more pronounced variations at low temperatures and cannot, as is conventionally done, be held constant. Fluids readily become mixtures of two or more phases and their analysis is different from that for a single-phase fluid....
The purposes of this book are to provide insight and to draw attention to problems peculiar to heat transfer at low temperatures. This does not imply ...