This book explores the evolutionary and cognitive foundations of human communication, focusing on narrative as its distinctive dimension. Within a framework of continuity with both the communication of our hominin predecessors and that of non-human animals, the book is about a twofold proposal. It includes the idea that (human and animal) communication has an intrinsically persuasive nature along with the hypothesis that humans developed narrative forms of communication in order to enhance their persuasive abilities. In this view, narrative persuasion becomes the feature that distinguishes...
This book explores the evolutionary and cognitive foundations of human communication, focusing on narrative as its distinctive dimension. Within a fra...
This volume provides a broad overview of some cutting-edge philosophical topics of growing interest at the juncture between cognitive science and biology. The main goal is not to integrate the variety of approaches into a single account, but rather to offer diverse perspectives on a collection of selected biological issues of particular philosophical relevance, reflecting the plurality of current research in these areas.
Four conceptual vectors give this volume its coherence:
Animal and human cognition: With respect to animal cognition, this...
This volume provides a broad overview of some cutting-edge philosophical topics of growing interest at the juncture between cognitive science and biol...