The complementary binding of a ligand and receptor is the basic language of intercellular communication and this book takes a broad look at the current status of research on receptors in higher and lower plants. It starts with a discussion of some hormone receptors (auxins, ethylene and gibberellin) in higher plants, and then considers the role of cyclic AMP and its receptors in the slime mould Dictyostelium. Authoritative accounts of our present knowledge of several 'adhesive' phenomena are also given. These include fertilization in higher plants and yeasts, the infection of protoplasts by...
The complementary binding of a ligand and receptor is the basic language of intercellular communication and this book takes a broad look at the curren...
This book concentrates on an emerging area of research on vitamin-binding proteins, with emphasis on the nature of the binding of the vitamin ligand to a protein and its sequela. The various groups of vitamin-binding proteins are particularly significant as they relate to the absorption of vitamins from the gastrointestinal tract and their extra- and intracellular transport function.
This book concentrates on an emerging area of research on vitamin-binding proteins, with emphasis on the nature of the binding of the vitamin ligand t...