The volume is a contribution to the ongoing debate on the internationalization of American Studies. The essays by European, American and Latin American scholars provide critical evaluations of a wide range of concepts, including trans-national and post-national, international, trans-atlantic, trans-pacific, as well as hemispheric, inter-American and comparative American studies. Combining theoretical reflections and actual case studies, the collection proposes a reassessment of current developments at a time when American nations experience the paradoxical simultaneity of both weakened and...
The volume is a contribution to the ongoing debate on the internationalization of American Studies. The essays by European, American and Latin America...
This volume attempts for the first time a comprehensive view of the momentous process of German-American cultural transfer during the 18th and 19th centuries, which played an important part in the formation of an American national and cultural identity, a process to which the New England Transcendentalists contributed some of the decisive ingredients, but which has largely escaped the attention of German and American scholarship. In each chapter a specific problem is treated systematically from a clearly defined perspective, deficiencies of existing translation theories are exposed, so that...
This volume attempts for the first time a comprehensive view of the momentous process of German-American cultural transfer during the 18th and 19th ce...
Die Lesekultur, in die sich amerikanische Schriftsteller des fruhen 19. Jahrhunderts einzuschreiben suchen, ist eine transatlantische. Zu den stutzenden Pfeilern des noch jungen amerikanischen Literaturbetriebs zahlen der Import von Buchern und Zeitschriften und die Orientierung an europaischen Vermarktungsstrategien und Lesegewohnheiten. Grobritannien kommt in diesem Austausch aufgrund der gemeinsamen Sprache und Geschichte eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Im historischen Roman sorgt der national-patriotische Auftrag des Genres fur einen produktiven Konflikt: einer Integration in die...
Die Lesekultur, in die sich amerikanische Schriftsteller des fruhen 19. Jahrhunderts einzuschreiben suchen, ist eine transatlantische. Zu den stutzend...
The author aims to expand the definition of Turkish American literature beyond fiction written by Americans of Turkish descent to incorporate texts that literally `commute' between two national spheres. Her analyses include literary works of Elif Shafak, Halide Edip, Guneli Gun and Alev Lytle Croutier.
The author aims to expand the definition of Turkish American literature beyond fiction written by Americans of Turkish descent to incorporate texts th...