The result of the second Appalachian conference on neurodynamics, this volume focuses on the problem of "order," its origins, evolution, and future. Central to this concern lies our understanding of time. Both classical and quantum physics have developed their conceptions within a framework of time symmetry. Divided into four major sections, this book: * provides refreshingly new approaches to the problem of the evolution of order, indicating the directions that need to be taken in subsequent conferences which will address learning and memory more directly; * addresses the...
The result of the second Appalachian conference on neurodynamics, this volume focuses on the problem of "order," its origins, evolution, and future. C...
A year before his death, B.F. Skinner wrote that "There are two unavoidable gaps in any behavioral account: one between the stimulating action of the environment and the response of the organism and one between consequences and the resulting change in behavior. Only brain science can fill those gaps. In doing so, it completes the account; it does not give a different account of the same thing." This declaration ended the epoch of radical behaviorism to the extent that it was based on the doctrine of the "empty organism," the doctrine that a behavioral science must be constructed purely on its...
A year before his death, B.F. Skinner wrote that "There are two unavoidable gaps in any behavioral account: one between the stimulating action of the ...
organizing committee: Paul Werbos, Chairman, National Science Foundation Harold Szu, Naval Surface Warfare Center Bernard Widrow, Stanford University Centered around 20 major topic areas of both theoretical and practical importance, the World Congress on Neural Networks provides its registrants -- from a diverse background encompassing industry, academia, and government -- with the latest research and applications in the neural network field.
organizing committee: Paul Werbos, Chairman, National Science Foundation Harold Szu, Naval Surface Warfare Center Bernard Widrow, Stanfo...