If Plato is wise, then at least three elements are involved - Plato, wisdom and Plato's wisdom. These are exemplary representatives of three ontological categories (substance, universal quality, particular quality) which are fundamental to our orientation in the world. Drawing on aspects of language philosophy and logic, Schnieder develops a conception of these categories and their interconnections.
The book is also suitable as a general critical introduction for readers without special grounding in ontology.
If Plato is wise, then at least three elements are involved - Plato, wisdom and Plato's wisdom. These are exemplary representatives of three ontolo...
The new series of Ideen&Argumente subscribes to the ideal of a pluralist and open culture of argument and debate and presents well-produced volumes on topics and questions which make substantive or methodologically important contributions to contemporary philosophy. The publications are designed to effect a productive synergy between the Anglo-Saxon and Continental European philosophical traditions.
Ideen&Argumente provides a platform for outstanding systematically oriented original editions and German first editions from all areas of Theoretical and Practical...
The new series of Ideen&Argumente subscribes to the ideal of a pluralist and open culture of argument and debate and presents well-produce...
One building block is placed on top of another one, an atom of sodium combines with an atom of chlorine. Do new things result in each case? Or, to put it more generally, under what conditions do various parts form a material object, i.e. a substance? Hubner addresses the problem by developing separate analyses for the composition of masses, bodies, artefacts and living organisms.
The first main line of argument develops analyses for the species named above and discusses their existence against the touchstone of classic puzzles, such as that of the ship of Theseus. The second main...
One building block is placed on top of another one, an atom of sodium combines with an atom of chlorine. Do new things result in each case? Or, to ...
The new series of Ideen&Argumente subscribes to the ideal of a pluralist and open culture of argument and debate and presents well-produced volumes on topics and questions which make substantive or methodologically important contributions to contemporary philosophy. The publications are designed to effect a productive synergy between the Anglo-Saxon and Continental European philosophical traditions.
Ideen&Argumente provides a platform for outstanding systematically oriented original editions and German first editions from all areas of Theoretical and Practical...
The new series of Ideen&Argumente subscribes to the ideal of a pluralist and open culture of argument and debate and presents well-produce...
Die Arbeit versteht sich in systematischer Hinsicht als eine Erweiterung der Theorie der Gerechtigkeit von John Rawls. Als normativer Fluchtpunkt wird die moralische Selbstachtung des Individuums in das Begruuuml;ndungszentrum der Theorie gestellt. Ausgehend von der These, dass Selbstachtung einen unuberbietbaren Wert darstellt, werden eine Reihe moralischer Grundrechte verteidigt, die rechtlich, oouml;konomisch, kulturell und politisch realisiert sein mussen, damit eine Person ihre Selbstachtung aufrechterhalten kann.
Die Arbeit versteht sich in systematischer Hinsicht als eine Erweiterung der Theorie der Gerechtigkeit von John Rawls. Als normativer Flucht...
Talk of coherence in ethics is popular. Particularly when dealing with the justification of ethical judgments, one frequently refers back to a concept of coherence. However, the question as to the exact meaning of the term "coherence" is seldom posed. This book provides a comprehensive answer.
The author shows that there is not a single concept of coherence in ethics. Rather, the word "coherence" is used to refer to many different concepts that neither can be reduced to one another nor imbedded in a single unified coherence theory.
Talk of coherence in ethics is popular. Particularly when dealing with the justification of ethical judgments, one frequently refers back to a conc...
Von Klarheit uber Gefuhle hangt viel ab: sowohl das Gelingen zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen als auch die Moglichkeit eines selbstbestimmten Lebens. Die Autorin fragt dezidiert, was es heit, Emotionen zu verstehen, fremde und eigene;wiedas Verstehenvor sich geht und wie weit wir damit kommen konnen. Dazu gehoren die Punkte: Was ist es fur eine Emotion, warum ist sie entstanden, was bewirkt sie oder wie echt ist sie? Emotionen und Verstehen werden in wechselseitigem Bezug aufeinander erlautert. Die differenzierte, beispielreiche Antwort ist sowohl ein Beitrag zur Philosophie der Psychologie...
Von Klarheit uber Gefuhle hangt viel ab: sowohl das Gelingen zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen als auch die Moglichkeit eines selbstbestimmten Lebens. ...
Das Phanomen des Separatismus hat sich, wie der Zerfall der Sowjetunion und Jugoslawiens zeigt, zu einem wichtigen Faktor der internationalen Politik entwickelt. Das Buch geht der Frage nach, ob sich Sezessionen von Staaten, die demokratisch verfasst sind, rechtfertigen lassen. Ausgehend von einer kritischen Analyse der aktuellen philosophischen und volkerrechtlichen Diskussion wird eine eigene Legitimationstheorie entwickelt. Unter Berufung auf die grundlegenden Werte moderner Demokratien argumentiert der Autor fur die Anerkennung eines Sezessionsrechts.
Das Phanomen des Separatismus hat sich, wie der Zerfall der Sowjetunion und Jugoslawiens zeigt, zu einem wichtigen Faktor der internationalen Polit...
It is often believed that it is rational to behave morally because it is irrational to break moral norms. Against this commonly held view, the author argues that rationality prescribes that it is always permissible to act morally, but in cases where rational self-interest conflicts with moral norms, both moral and immoral actions can be rational.
It is often believed that it is rational to behave morally because it is irrational to break moral norms. Against this commonly held view, the auth...
Nearly one billion people worldwide suffer from hunger. This book examines the question of what inhabitants of wealthy counties owe these people. The author focuses less on the question of how a better world can be created and more on the question of what well-off individuals are obligated to do in light of this obvious injustice and immense suffering. The book argues for a common responsibility to eliminate extreme poverty and speaks to individuals in their roles as citizens, consumers, and even moral subjects.
Nearly one billion people worldwide suffer from hunger. This book examines the question of what inhabitants of wealthy counties owe these people. T...