This book examines the processes at issue in the onset of psychiatric disorders linked to stress in the workplace. Six clinical observations are presented in this book: an acute psychosomatic decompensation (status asthmaticus); a delirious episode; a dementia-like confusional state; a sexuality disorder; two successive decompensations - one in a victim of workplace harassment and one in her aggressor - and a suicide.
Each is explored in detail, from etiology to treatment, bringing into sharp relief the differences between conventional analysis and the interpretation of material in...
This book examines the processes at issue in the onset of psychiatric disorders linked to stress in the workplace. Six clinical observations are prese...
This book explores the representations of society and culture that Freud elaborated in the course of his work. His profound interest in these areas led to his construction of a personal socio-anthropology, one which was virulently criticized by the social sciences of the day as it challenged many contemporary sociological and anthropological conceptions.
Freud's view of culture and society encompassed both his Viennese and wider Western society and civilization and also historical and so-called -primitive- societies, which he viewed from the evolutionist perspective of the British...
This book explores the representations of society and culture that Freud elaborated in the course of his work. His profound interest in these areas le...
Since the 1990s many different scientific disciplines have intensified their interest of the so called -mind-body-problem-: psychoanalysis, philosophy, academic psychology, cognitive science and modern neuroscience. The conceptualization of how the mind works has changed completely, which has profound implications for clinical psychoanalytical practice as well as for theorizing in contemporary psychoanalysis. The question of how unconscious fantasies and conflicts, as well as traumatic experiences, can be understood and worked through is and has been one of the central topics of...
Since the 1990s many different scientific disciplines have intensified their interest of the so called -mind-body-problem-: psychoanalysis, philosophy...