This book explores and discusses emerging perspectives of Ubuntu from the vantage point of “ordinary” people and connects it to human rights and decolonizing discourses. It engages a decolonizing perspective in writing about Ubuntu as an indigenous concept. The fore grounding argument is that one’s positionality speaks to particular interests that may continue to sustain oppressions instead of confronting and dismantling them. Therefore, a decolonial approach to writing indigenous experiences begins with transparency about the researcher’s own positionality. The emerging...
This book explores and discusses emerging perspectives of Ubuntu from the vantage point of “ordinary” people and connects it to human ri...
This book provides a novel account of the role of human rights discourse in the US foreign policy. The book analyses the US State Department’s Annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices as a means to monopolise and, more importantly, legitimise a specific framing of the human rights agenda to further US foreign policy. The US agenda’s deviation from established international human rights standards has very serious implications considering the preponderant global influence exercised by the US. Furthermore, more recently, the reports have added a separate section on "corruption" as...
This book provides a novel account of the role of human rights discourse in the US foreign policy. The book analyses the US State Department’s An...
This book examines the role of religious actors in the field of climate change and especially in the international mobilization and negotiations to address the issue. It analyzes the mode of action and their discourses on multilateral platforms such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The international Climate Change Framework Convention is primarily a process that can best be understood by analyzing the various steps taken by the international community, and specifically by different religious groupings, here, in the project manuscript, mainly...
This book examines the role of religious actors in the field of climate change and especially in the international mobilization and negotia...