to Thermal Analysis Techniques and Applications Edited by Michael E. Brown Chemistry Department, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS NEW YORK, BOSTON, DORDRECHT, LONDON, MOSCOW eBook ISBN: 0-306-48404-8 Print ISBN: 1-4020-0472-9 (c)2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow Print (c)2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht All rights reserved No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without written consent from the Publisher Created...
to Thermal Analysis Techniques and Applications Edited by Michael E. Brown Chemistry Department, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa KLUWER A...
Calorimetry is one of the oldest areas of physical chemistry. The date on which calorimetry came into being may be taken as 13 June 1783, the day on which Lavoisier and Laplace presented a contribution entitled, Memoire de la Chaleur" at a session of the Academie Francaise. Throughout the existence of calorimetry, many new methods have been developed and the measuring techniques have been improved. At p- sent, numerous laboratories worldwide continue to focus attention on the development and applications of calorimetry, and a number of com- nies specialize in the production of calorimeters....
Calorimetry is one of the oldest areas of physical chemistry. The date on which calorimetry came into being may be taken as 13 June 1783, the day on w...
"Sample Controlled Thermal Analysis" (SCTA) defines the branch of thermal analysis in which a feedback from the sample is used to control its heating or cooling. It is therefore the sample itself which determines its own heating and cooling conditions, as the name implies. This approach is a real breakthrough in the field of thermal analysis. It has the advantage, compared with conventional thermal analysis, of eliminating uncertainties due to thermal effects in the sample container, improving resolution, and accurately determining reaction temperatures and accurate kinetic data. SCTA has,...
"Sample Controlled Thermal Analysis" (SCTA) defines the branch of thermal analysis in which a feedback from the sample is used to control its heating ...
The appearance of this English edition of my book, ?rst published in Russian in mid-2006, is related to the help and support of two prominent scientists: Professor Michael Brown (Rhodes University Grahamstown, South Africa) and Dr. Judit Simon (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary). The story is as follows. In the winter of 2006, in the process of exchange of views by email with Michael on some problems of decomposition kinetics, I asked him about the possibility of publishing my book in English. He s- gestedthatIshouldcontactJudit, theSeriesEditorof"HotTopicsinThermal...
The appearance of this English edition of my book, ?rst published in Russian in mid-2006, is related to the help and support of two prominent scientis...
MTDSC provides a step-change increase in the power of calorimetry to characterize virtually all polymer systems including curing systems, blends and semicrystalline polymers. It enables hidden transitions to be revealed, miscibility to be accurately assessed, and phases and interfaces in complex blends to be quantified. It also enables crystallinity in complex systems to be measured and provides new insights into melting behaviour. All of this is achieved by a simple modification of conventional DSC.
In 1992 a new calorimetric technique was introduced that superimposed a...
MTDSC provides a step-change increase in the power of calorimetry to characterize virtually all polymer systems including curing systems, blends an...
Af ter a kind mo ti va tion by Judit Si mon (Ed i tor-in-Chief of the Jour nal of Ther mal Anal y s is and Cal o ri m e t r y, Kluwe r Ac a dem ic Pub lis her) and ne go ti a tions with po- si ble con tri bu tors - lasting for m ore than one year - it was de cided to write a book about the ap pli ca tion of ther mal meth ods in bi ol ogy. Its aim was to be a guide how to per form ex per i ments and what kind of in for mation m ight be gained by them. We tried to col lect in for mation tha t could be achieved only dur ing a long per sonal pra- tice. In this way sci en tists from bi ol ogy and...
Af ter a kind mo ti va tion by Judit Si mon (Ed i tor-in-Chief of the Jour nal of Ther mal Anal y s is and Cal o ri m e t r y, Kluwe r Ac a dem ic Pub...
Environmentally compatible polymers (green polymers) are the key to sustainable developments for our rich and convenient life. In order to develop green polymers, it is essential to understand that nature constructs a variety of materials that can be used. Plant materials such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are the largest organic resources. Thermal Properties of Green Polymers and Biocomposites is unique in that it introduces thermal analysis applicable to green polymers and provides fundamental thermal properties of cellulose, polysaccharides and lignin. The...
Environmentally compatible polymers (green polymers) are the key to sustainable developments for our rich and convenient life. In order to develop gre...
Sample Controlled Thermal Analysis gives a short presentation of the spirit and history of SCTA and then focuses on: basic SCTA techniques, applications of SCTA in kinetic studies and applications in the study of ceramics, adsorbents and catalysts. Finally the expected future development of SCTA is discussed. This book is an invaluable reference for materials scientists, chemists, geologists, and engineers involved in the development of new materials, the manufacturing processes and quality control. It is also useful for research in solid state chemistry, materials...
Sample Controlled Thermal Analysis gives a short presentation of the spirit and history of SCTA and then focuses on: basic SCTA techn...
Environmentally compatible polymers (green polymers) are the key to sustainable developments for our rich and convenient life. In order to develop green polymers, it is essential to understand that nature constructs a variety of materials that can be used. Plant materials such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are the largest organic resources. Thermal Properties of Green Polymers and Biocomposites is unique in that it introduces thermal analysis applicable to green polymers and provides fundamental thermal properties of cellulose, polysaccharides and lignin. The...
Environmentally compatible polymers (green polymers) are the key to sustainable developments for our rich and convenient life. In order to develop gre...
Af ter a kind mo ti va tion by Judit Si mon (Ed i tor-in-Chief of the Jour nal of Ther mal Anal y s is and Cal o ri m e t r y, Kluwe r Ac a dem ic Pub lis her) and ne go ti a tions with po- si ble con tri bu tors lasting for m ore than one year it was de cided to write a book about the ap pli ca tion of ther mal meth ods in bi ol ogy. Its aim was to be a guide how to per form ex per i ments and what kind of in for mation m ight be gained by them. We tried to col lect in for mation tha t could be achieved only dur ing a long per sonal pra- tice. In this way sci en tists from bi ol ogy and med...
Af ter a kind mo ti va tion by Judit Si mon (Ed i tor-in-Chief of the Jour nal of Ther mal Anal y s is and Cal o ri m e t r y, Kluwe r Ac a dem ic Pub...