Esta edicion traducida de Petting Farm diversion esta impreso en espanol. Es la tercera publicacion de la popular Serie de libros ilustrados Hood. Esta es una deliciosa historia para entretener y despues relajar a los ninos pequenos antes de que se duerman. La tradicion de contar historias para dormir ha estado presente desde antes de la escritura. Durante generaciones, en todas las culturas alrededor del mundo, los padres han preparado a sus hijos para dormir contandoles cuentos. Karen Jean Matsko Hood es una autora y poeta prolifica que ama los ninos y los animales. Era obvio que escribiria...
Esta edicion traducida de Petting Farm diversion esta impreso en espanol. Es la tercera publicacion de la popular Serie de libros ilustrados Hood. Est...
Petting Farm Fun is the third release in the popular Hood Picture Book Series. It is a delightful bedtime story to entertain and then relax young children before they fall asleep. The tradition of the bedtime story has been around since before the written word. For generations, and in every culture, parents have prepared their children for bed by telling them stories. Karen Jean Matsko Hood is a prolific author and poet that loves children and animals. It is only fitting that she would write and direct the art of this delightful petting farm story. Her family has raised Nubian goats, fainting...
Petting Farm Fun is the third release in the popular Hood Picture Book Series. It is a delightful bedtime story to entertain and then relax young chil...
Esta edicao traduzida de Petting Farm Fun e impresso em Portugues. Este e o terceiro lancamento do popular Seriado de livros ilustrados Hood. E uma deliciosa historia de ninar para diverter e relaxer as suas criancas antes de elas irem dormir. A tradicao dos contos de ninar ja existia antes da escrita. Durante geracoes, e em todas as culturas, os pais preparavam seus filhos para a cama com um conto de ninar. Karen jean Matsko Hood e uma autora profilica e uma poetisa que adora criancas e animais. Seria de esperar que ela se fosse dedicar a escrita e que direcionasse sua arte para esta...
Esta edicao traduzida de Petting Farm Fun e impresso em Portugues. Este e o terceiro lancamento do popular Seriado de livros ilustrados Hood. E uma de...
This translated edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Portuguese Edition is translated and published in Portuguese. It is a delightful soothing bedtime story to relax young children before they fall asleep. The tradition of the bedtime story has been around since before the written word. For generations, and in every culture around the world, parents have prepared their children for bed by telling them stories. Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Portuguese Edition is a soothing bedtime story to be told and retold. With the popularity of Japanese Anime cartoon styles,...
This translated edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Portuguese Edition is translated and published in Portuguese. It is a delightfu...
This translated edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Portuguese Edition is translated and published in Portuguese. It is a delightful soothing bedtime story to relax young children before they fall asleep. The tradition of the bedtime story has been around since before the written word. For generations, and in every culture around the world, parents have prepared their children for bed by telling them stories. Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Portuguese Edition is a soothing bedtime story to be told and retold. With the popularity of Japanese Anime cartoon styles,...
This translated edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Portuguese Edition is translated and published in Portuguese. It is a delightfu...
This translated edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Spanish Edition is translated and published in Spanish. It is a delightful soothing bedtime story to relax young children before they fall asleep. The tradition of the bedtime story has been around since before the written word. For generations, and in every culture around the world, parents have prepared their children for bed by telling them stories. Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Spanish Edition is a soothing bedtime story to be told and retold. With the popularity of Japanese Anime cartoon styles, the...
This translated edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Spanish Edition is translated and published in Spanish. It is a delightful soot...
This translated edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Hindi Edition is translated and published in Hindi. It is a delightful soothing bedtime story to relax young children before they fall asleep. The tradition of the bedtime story has been around since before the written word. For generations, and in every culture around the world, parents have prepared their children for bed by telling them stories. Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Hindi Edition is a soothing bedtime story to be told and retold. With the popularity of Japanese Anime cartoon styles, the artwork in...
This translated edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Hindi Edition is translated and published in Hindi. It is a delightful soothing...
This translated edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Hindi Edition is translated and published in Hindi. It is a delightful soothing bedtime story to relax young children before they fall asleep. The tradition of the bedtime story has been around since before the written word. For generations, and in every culture around the world, parents have prepared their children for bed by telling them stories. Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Hindi Edition is a soothing bedtime story to be told and retold. With the popularity of Japanese Anime cartoon styles, the artwork in...
This translated edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Hindi Edition is translated and published in Hindi. It is a delightful soothing...