This textbook is designed for the intermediate-level course on ordinary differential equations offered at many universities and colleges. It treats, as standard topics of such a course: existence and uniqueness theory, linear s- terns, stability theory, and introductory phase-plane analysis of autonomous second order systems. The unique feature of the book is its further inc- sion of a substantial introduction to delay differential eq- tions. Such equations are motivated by problems in control theory, physics, biology, ecology, economics, inventory c- trol, and the theory of nuclear reactors....
This textbook is designed for the intermediate-level course on ordinary differential equations offered at many universities and colleges. It treats, a...
The book deals mainly with three problems involving Gaussian stationary processes. The first problem consists of clarifying the conditions for mutual absolute continuity (equivalence) of probability distributions of a "random process segment" and of finding effective formulas for densities of the equiva- lent distributions. Our second problem is to describe the classes of spectral measures corresponding in some sense to regular stationary processes (in par- ticular, satisfying the well-known "strong mixing condition") as well as to describe the subclasses associated with "mixing rate." The...
The book deals mainly with three problems involving Gaussian stationary processes. The first problem consists of clarifying the conditions for mutual ...
The German edition of this book, first published in 1966, has been quite popular; we did not, however, consider publishing an English edition because a number of excellent textbooks in this field already exist. In recent years, how- ever, the wish was frequently expressed that, especially, the description of the relationships between optimization and other subfields of mathematics, which is not to be found in this form in other texts, might be made available to a wider readership; so it was with this in mind that, be- latedly, a translation was undertaken after all. Since the appearance of...
The German edition of this book, first published in 1966, has been quite popular; we did not, however, consider publishing an English edition because ...
The aim of DEALING WITH DILEMMA is to inte grate medical and genetic information with the psychoso cial aspects of genetic counseling, in order to provide a working manual for genetic counselors. The book fills a gap in the genetic counseling field because it emphasizes the humanistic aspects of genetic counseling, and is primarily concerned with communica tion between genetic counselor and counselee. The few genetic counseling books available at this time are devoted almost entirely to the medical and genetic aspects of the subject. This book is written in nontechnical language, but it...
The aim of DEALING WITH DILEMMA is to inte grate medical and genetic information with the psychoso cial aspects of genetic counseling, in order to pro...
Mihail Moiseevich Botvinnik is an electrical engineer by profession; during World War II he headed a high-tension laboratory in the Urals and was decorated by the USSR for his accomplishments. At present, he is the head of the alternating-current machine laboratory at the Moscow Institute of Power Engineering. He is also a world-renowned chess player. He was born in 1911, and by 1935 had become a Grandmaster of Soviet chess. In 1948 he won the world chess championship and held the title until 1963 (except for a two-year break). His chess style has been characterized as deep, objective,...
Mihail Moiseevich Botvinnik is an electrical engineer by profession; during World War II he headed a high-tension laboratory in the Urals and was deco...
In the limited scope of this book I wish to present a brief review of the progressive destruction of nature, particularly in the domain of animal life, and at the same time to ill- trate some of the possibilities by BIII: - Ion-.--------------, which man can prevent this de- 3 ---------- f_4 struction. As the mightiest creation of na- 2,51-______ a _ ___ L...-_j ture, man extends his influence into all of nature's provinces and in- 2 1--- - -------1---; habits all zones of the earth., 51----------1'------1 Civilization and technology, ulti mate consequences of his unique 1 cerebral...
In the limited scope of this book I wish to present a brief review of the progressive destruction of nature, particularly in the domain of animal life...
According to Roth (1964), the term "psychopharmakon" was used for the first time by Reinhardus Lorichius of Hadamar who, in 1548, edited a collection of prayers of comfort and in preparation for death under the title "Psychopharmakon, hoc est: medicina animae." With the introduction of chlorpromazine in 1952, the era of psychopharma cology began. The "psychopharmakon" of the Renaissance and the twentieth century differ from each other in concept and meaning; the spiritual support in times of increased anxiety and fear has been replaced by drugs which "tranquilize" the agitated and brighten...
According to Roth (1964), the term "psychopharmakon" was used for the first time by Reinhardus Lorichius of Hadamar who, in 1548, edited a collection ...
There can hardly be any doubt that radiation will continue to be an im portant factor in our lives. Present and future advances in atomic tech nology urgently require further work on research and development in the field of radiation biology if the maximum benefit is to be obtained at minimal risk from the various kinds of radiation that form a major by product of nuclear processes. Consequently, it is also necessary to prepare students and younger scientists for doing such work. The present book originates from teaching experience gained in lectures, seminars, and discussion groups started...
There can hardly be any doubt that radiation will continue to be an im portant factor in our lives. Present and future advances in atomic tech nology ...
I believe that the most intriguing thing in the world, be sides the world itself, is the human brain. Moreover, I am sure that a coherent natural philosophy will only be possible once we have understood how the brain, itself an object of physics, generates the description of the physical word. Therefore a book on the brain, be it the fly's or the mouse's brain, needs no justification. It is important, however, to point out the limits of its ambi tions. The first three Chapters are introductory and are written in a lighthearted philosophical vein. An idea is introduced that turns up repeatedly...
I believe that the most intriguing thing in the world, be sides the world itself, is the human brain. Moreover, I am sure that a coherent natural phil...
The possession of plasmids was for a long time recognized only in the bacteria. It is now evident that plasmids, or replicative forms of DNA structurally and experimentally comparable to bacterial plasmids, exist in eukaryotic organisms as well. Such plasmids are in fact common among fungi and higher plants. The present review is undertaken to provide a comprehensive account of the data available on plasmids found in eukaryotic organisms. This review will not consider plasmids of prokaryotic origin, even though certain bacterial plasmids, such as the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmids of...
The possession of plasmids was for a long time recognized only in the bacteria. It is now evident that plasmids, or replicative forms of DNA structura...