A brand-new young chapter book series from Edgar Award winner Dori Hillestad Butler
When ghost boy Kaz's haunt is torn down and he is separated from his ghost family, he meets a real girl named Claire, who lives above the town library with her parents and her grandmother. Claire has a special ability to see ghosts when other humans cannot and she and Kaz quickly form a friendship. The two join forces to solve the mystery of the ghost that's haunting the library. Could it be one of Kaz's lost family members?
A brand-new young chapter book series from Edgar Award winner Dori Hillestad Butler
When ghost boy Kaz's haunt is torn down and he is ...
A brand-new young chapter book series from Edgar Award winner Dori Hillestad Butler After successfully solving the mystery of the ghost in the library, Kaz and Claire land the first case for their detective agency--a haunted attic in a neighbor's home With a little help from Grannie, Kaz and Claire discover that what appeared to be something spooky has a much simpler explanation.
A brand-new young chapter book series from Edgar Award winner Dori Hillestad Butler After successfully solving the mystery of the ghost i...
Kaz and Claire's new detective agency is a success Their latest case, though, is proving to be the hardest yet. When Claire's classmate says he saw a ghost backstage while rehearsing the school play, Kaz goes to school with Claire to investigate. From the description the boy gave, Kaz is sure it's his mom--but where has she gone? Kaz and Claire search everywhere and find no trace of her, but the mysterious ghostly activities are still happening...
Kaz and Claire's new detective agency is a success Their latest case, though, is proving to be the hardest yet. When Claire's classmate says he saw a...
With a lot of searching and a lot of luck, Kaz has found his dog Cosmo, his little brother Little John, his grandmom, and his grandpops. But what about his parents? Or his big brother Finn? Will he ever see them again? Kaz wants to keep looking for his family, but when Claire hears about a ghost at the fire station, Kaz knows it's a case for C & K Ghost Detectives
With a lot of searching and a lot of luck, Kaz has found his dog Cosmo, his little brother Little John, his grandmom, and his grandpops. But what abou...
Here is Edgar Award Winner Dori Hillestad Butler's seventh title in her not-too-scary chapter book mystery series, The Haunted Library. Perfect for reluctant readers in the mood for a great mystery A group of girls in Claire's town have noticed strange sights and sounds coming from the tree house where their club meets. Is it a rival boys' club trying to scare them away? Or is it a ghost? The girls ask Claire to tackle the mystery--and Kaz hopes to finally find the rest of his missing family members
Here is Edgar Award Winner Dori Hillestad Butler's seventh title in her not-too-scary chapter book mystery series, The Haunted Library. Perfect for...
Edgar Award Winner Dori Hillestad Butler gives us the tenth--and final --title in her not-too-scary chapter book mystery series, The Haunted Library, in the form of a super special It's almost Halloween, and Kaz and Claire are off to Seattle to visit Claire's cousins. They explore the local library...and find a ghost living there The ghost's family has been missing, so Kaz and Claire decide to investigate. When they discover ghostly activity in the city's subterranean passages, they put their detective skills to work. Kaz and Claire are on the case
Edgar Award Winner Dori Hillestad Butler gives us the tenth--and final --title in her not-too-scary chapter book mystery series, The Haunted Librar...